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The Security Council denounced attacks against aid workers and United Nations personnel

Apply Resolution 2730 (2024) with 14 votes in favor and one abstention (Russia), Security Council also denounced disinformation, information manipulation and incitement of violence against humanitarian workers and the United Nations.

Led by Switzerland and co-sponsored by more than 90 countries, the resolution notes “deep concern” about the particular vulnerability of domestically and locally recruited employees who causes most safety and security incidents.

The 15-member panel emphasized the need for “coordinated efforts and specific risk mitigation strategies” to enhance the safety and security of these workers.

It calls on all parties to armed conflicts to “immediately and decisively end” all indiscriminate use of explosive devices in violation of international humanitarian law and to reduce these dangers once and for all. effective ways, including their release.

Hostility against humanity

Recent conflicts have seen a sharp increase in attacks against humanitarian organizations.

According to one UN report on the protection of civiliansissued earlier this month, 91 aid workers were killed, 120 injured and 53 kidnapped in 2023 – not including incidents in the occupied Palestinian territory.

The war in Gaza alone has claimed the lives of more than 224 humanitarians, including more than 190 people. UNRWA (the United Nations agency assisting Palestinian refugees) and staff of other United Nations agencies.

National employees make up the vast majority – more than 90% – of those affected in Gaza and other crises.

Address information is incorrect

The Security Council also condemned disinformation, manipulation of information and incitement of violence against aid workers and United Nations personnel.

It encourages member states and the United Nations system to “take appropriate action to address the growing threat of disinformation and disinformation campaigns that undermine confidence in the United Nations.” United Nations and humanitarian organizations,” putting personnel at risk and hindering humanitarian operations.

Additionally, it calls on States to conduct full, prompt, independent, impartial and effective investigations within their jurisdictions into violations of international humanitarian law and humanitarian law. international rights for aid workers, United Nations and related personnel.

United Nations Security Council members voted to adopt a resolution on humanitarian protection in armed conflict.

United Nations Security Council members voted to adopt a resolution on humanitarian protection in armed conflict.

Report promptly

The resolution requests the Secretary-General to “report promptly” on prevailing issues relating to the safety and security of humanitarian organizations and United Nations personnel, their facilities and assets.

The Board expressed its intention to give full attention to such information when these situations come to its attention.

West Africa and the Sahel

Also on Friday, the Security Council adopted a presidential statement recognizing the challenging security situation in West Africa and the Sahel, including armed conflict, the spread of terrorism and terrorism. violent extremism as well as transnational organized crime.

The Council expressed deep concern about increasing intercommunal violence, especially in the central Sahel, and increasing tensions and conflicts between farmers and herders in the region.

It also documents the impact of climate change, ecological change, and natural disasters and their impact on food security, society, economics, and regional stability.

Statement of the President of the Security Council

The Presidential Statement was issued by the President of the Security Council on behalf of the members of the Council.

Declarations are adopted at a formal meeting and issued as an official document by the United Nations’ principal organ for international peace and security.


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