
Silent Hill 2 launches October 8, reveals new gameplay – PlayStation.Blog

We’re excited to finally announce the release date for Silent Hill 2. Since our initial announcement in 2022, we’ve received passionate anticipation from fans around the globe. To meet such high expectations, we spent a lot of time polishing and decided carefully about when we could confidently deliver the game. This game is the best, a remake that respects the original. We’ve revealed a gameplay video and a new trailer to accompany the game. Start pre-ordering, So please give it a look.

The 13-minute gameplay footage we revealed in Silent Hill 2 Transmission showcases exploration of the town and hospital to give players a better idea of ​​what the actual gameplay will be like. The new trailer revealed during the PlayStation broadcast includes scenes featuring Angela and Another World.

Next, Bloober Team Creative Director Mateusz Lenart will talk about new gameplay and narrative details for Silent Hill 2.

Silent Hill 2 Remake – What will happen

Silent Hill 2 initially sparked our imaginations. When we set out to create the remake, our main goal was to recapture that spark by fully expressing Team Silent’s original vision with cutting-edge technology.

So how exactly does our remake compare to Konami’s original game? Let’s take a closer look to find out from a narrative and gameplay standpoint.

This image shows a deserted street in Silent Hill. A green car with a white roof was parked on the side of the road, the rear of the car covered in an ominous fog.In this image, James stands on the left side of the screen, staring at a set of rusted double doors at the end of a dark hallway. His gaze was directed in that direction by the index finger of a young girl standing next to him.

Story and gameplay

Story and characters

Silent Hill 2 is known for its engaging and layered storytelling, and that’s something we wanted to retain in the remake. The setting of some events may change but their impact on the story will remain the same. Even when new locations are introduced, we still seek to reference the original whenever possible so that returning players will feel right at home as they venture forth again into new locations. Foggy streets of Silent Hill.

The central characters of the original story, James and Maria, are also at the heart of our remake. Their emotional range has been preserved, with special attention paid to expressing their emotions using motion capture technology. This allowed us to use the “show, don’t tell” technique more often, which is why some of the dialogue was changed slightly to add more nuance to the character’s dynamics. object.

As many fans know, we did not use the original voices to create the remake. This is due to many factors, both creative and technical. Relying solely on pre-existing dialogue is limiting and means many gameplay improvements, such as player tutorials, cannot be introduced. Instead, we decided to recruit an entirely new cast of voice actors who brought their A-game to deliver the original game’s performances. We believe that Luke Roberts and Salóme Gunnarsdóttir were born to play James and Maria, respectively, and they both approached their roles with the care and nuance that the original characters deserved.

James walked down the middle of the street, toward the fog that obscured the view of the rest of the street.

Camera and combat

Overall, we wanted players to feel more in control of James in our remake, while maintaining the original’s signature sense of pervasive dread. Therefore, we decided to use a shoulder-mounted camera that supports a better gaming experience and the feeling of being in the game space.

However, this does not mean that we are changing the style of the game. Players will still be scared when venturing into the fog, where limited visibility provides ample cover for a variety of monsters lurking just outside of the player’s field of vision. Meanwhile, James’s radio builds tension and creates a sense of uncertainty about what’s out there waiting for them in the dark, while also providing helpful audio cues for the player to as a basis for their movements.

The combat in this remake is designed to allow for a variety of approaches – the player’s repertoire of actions has been expanded, while still retaining the feeling of playing like an inexperienced normal person. . James was not a skilled fighter and he did not feel overpowered. His attack range is very limited, so he must use more cautious tactics, paying attention to his surroundings and, if necessary, running instead of fighting. The way he deals with his enemies is never a flashy spectacle but a desperate struggle for survival.

Giving James more opportunities also led to changes in the way the enemies he encountered fought. He will still have to deal with familiar opponents from the original game, but returning players will notice how their movements and attacks have been enhanced to make them unique. more distinct and unpredictable in combat situations. For example, facing off against a crazy aggressive Nurse will pose a completely different challenge than fighting a silent and stealthy Mannequin.

James raised a shotgun, aiming straight at a bloody Nurse who was ferociously rushing towards him, one hand clutching a steel bar.


The puzzles in the game have been changed slightly to offer a new spin on the original design but still maintain a strange connection to the game’s overall theme and story. We’ve taken great care to build on the memories of the original Silent Hill 2 by occasionally distorting and confounding player expectations regarding certain puzzle solutions, in order to honor the creativity and playfulness of the original game.

We believe that this approach, along with the countless often surprising references to the original present in the game, will bring joy to fans of classic Silent Hill 2, while also providing Give them new and interesting things to tackle. We like to think of this as our way of showing our love for the original game – by enriching the experience, while still being mindful of preserving the essence of the game.

This image shows James standing in an office-like environment. Papers were scattered across the floor, the scene illuminated by the glimmer of light from three sets of dusty windows.

Details of standard version and premium version

The deluxe edition includes various DLCs, such as a digital art book filled with concept art of the town of Silent Hill and its monsters, a digital soundtrack with song by Akira Yamaoka and a Pyramid Head mask made from a pizza box (Note: The digital artbook and soundtrack will be distributed as an additional app. Content will not be available for download in specific audio formats, such as MP3.). The Pyramid Head mask is available as a decorative item for characters in the game.

If pre-ordered, the standard and deluxe editions will include a Mira the Dog mask and a Robbie the Rabbit mask (*PlayStation 5 exclusive) as pre-order bonuses. Likewise, each mask can be used as a character cosmetic item. Pre-orders of the Deluxe edition also come with 48-hour early access. These are great deals that are full of content, so we recommend them Pre-order and purchase through the PlayStation Store.

This image details what's available in the different versions. Standard edition - game. Standard edition (pre-order) - game, Mira Dog Mask and (PS5 only) Robbie Rabbit Mask. Deluxe version - Game, Digital Artbook, Digital Soundtrack, Pyramid Head Mask (pizza box). Deluxe Edition (pre-order) - Game, Digital Artbook, Digital Soundtrack, Pyramid Head Mask (pizza box), Mira Dog Mask and (PS5 only) Rabbit Mask Robbie, 48 Hour Early Access.

We’ll be revealing more information about Silent Hill 2 as its release date gets closer, so stay tuned. Our other titles, Silent Hill: Townfall and Silent Hill 2f, are also currently in development. We’ll keep an eye on these games when the time comes, so stay tuned.


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