
4 Best Supplements to Boost Energy

The heat wave gripping much of the country could be a serious problem energy destroyer. But there could also be a host of other culprits, due to lack of Sleep and poor diet depressionanemia, emphasizethyroid problems, and even lack of exercise. And sometimes caffeine just doesn’t work (not to mention drink too much may cause adverse effects ranging from increased heart rate to dizziness and anxiety).

So what about vitamins and additional to help boost your energy? There are a few things experts swear by.

But first, a few caveats.

Dr. Elizabeth Sharp, internist and medical director at Health meets Health in New York City, tells Luck“It is important to test for vitamin deficiencies, such as vitamin D and vitamin B12, especially in vegans. Additionally, I would screen for thyroid disorders if other symptoms suggest such a condition, and I would also rule out anemia and iron deficiency. It is important to accurately identify the underlying cause to ensure appropriate and effective treatment.”

Once they are determined to be suitable, she says, be cautious when making purchases. “Be wary of supplements that are much cheaper than other supplements or look like a bargain,” Jolene SangNatural endocrinologist and author of Is this normal?warning. “Often, these products use poor quality ingredients and in some cases, because they are not regulated, they actually do not contain the ingredients listed on the label.”

To help avoid such risks, it is recommended Cathi Dennehya pharmacist, dietary supplement researcher, and professor at the University of California San Francisco, starts by talking to your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian who is knowledgeable about dietary supplements. Then, when you’re ready to buy, be sure to do some research, especially on the brand.

Consumers may wish to consult their National Institutes of Health [Office of Dietary Supplements] as well as subscription-based sources, such as Consumer Labwhich charges for access to its testing results, looks at everything from potential contaminants to ensuring a supplement contains what it claims. “One question I get asked quite often is, ‘Is this brand a good one to use?’” says Dennehy, who points to these sources for answers.

Ultimately, she says, when deciding which vitamins and supplements can help boost energy: “Here’s my take: If you’re deficient, a correction may be helpful. But if you don’t lack it, it won’t be useful.”

Here are four of the most popular options you should consider.

first. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that helps keep our body’s blood and nerve cells healthy, and helps make DNA, the genetic material in all our cells, and helps prevent macrocytic anemia, a blood condition that makes people tired and weak, according to NIH Office of Dietary Supplements. That’s why it’s often the right choice for people lacking energy, as long as there’s evidence of a deficiency.

“There are certain vitamins that we know are more likely to be associated with deficiencies in the general population. And about 15% of the population is deficient in B-12. So that’s something you can test,” Dennehy said. She adds that certain populations are more likely to be deficient—including vegetarians, because B-12 binds to animal proteins in foods; People with autoimmune disorders are called pernicious anemiapeople who cannot absorb vitamins; and people who take a lot of over-the-counter stomach acid reducers, such as famotidinebecause they do not have stomach acid to release vitamin B-12 from animal protein.

However, Brighten cautions, “Be cautious about taking these medications in the late afternoon or evening as they may interfere with sleep in some people.”

And again, Dennehy says, “the only reason it improves energy is if you’re correcting a deficiency.”

2. Vitamin D

According to Cleveland ClinicSome of the top symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in adults are fatigue, muscle weakness, and depressed mood, which can lead to feelings of depression and exhaustion. So can taking vitamin supplements help you have a little more vitality?

Maybe. A study published in the journal Medicine compared the results of two groups with fatigue and vitamin D deficiency—one of which was given vitamin D supplementsThe remaining group received a placebo. In just four weeks, the group given vitamin D had a significant improvement in energy levels.

“It is difficult to get the necessary amount of vitamin D from your diet; Oily fish and fortified dairy products are the only significant sources,” notes Harvard News about supplements. “So supplements make good sense for most adults.

“Vitamin D is beneficial in the winter, with 1,000 to 2,000 IU per day being safe for most people,” says Sharp. Brighten adds that “getting enough sunlight is important,” and suggests getting your D levels tested to determine what you need.

3. Creatinine

Creatinine is a compound made in your liver, kidneys, and pancreas—and found naturally in foods like red meat and fish. It is primarily stored in your muscles as phosphocreatine, which is the “initial source of energy for every exercise and the preferred source for ‘explosive’ movements such as heavy lifting, jumping and sprinting.” short. Therefore, creatine monohydrate supplements are widely used to increase strength performance,” according to Department of Defense Dietary Supplements.

And unlike some other supplements, Dennehy says, “It actually has some good evidence of benefit for people who do high-intensity exercise, for example.” International Society of Sports Nutritionshe added, “There is one.” favorable stance about creatine, as well as Natural Medicines Database“It appears to improve maximal high-intensity exercise performance.” So creatine—which comes in powder, capsule, or gummy form—makes sense, she says, “if you’re someone who regularly participates in strenuous physical activity.”

Brighten agrees, noting that, “Creatine is a well-researched supplement that benefits both brain and muscle health. Additionally, it may help your cells create molecule called ATPoften referred to as the cell’s energy currency. Creatine can help improve your workouts, help you feel more energized and sleep better.”

4. Iron

“Again, it would make sense if you Iron deficiency,” Dennehy said. “And like World Health Organization Note, iron deficiency is common worldwide. About 30% of the world has more severe iron deficiency anemia, and we know that iron deficiency anemia can lead to fatigue, weakness, and reduced immunity. So this is where you want to get your lab work done.”

On the contrary, she says, because excess iron can be toxic to the body.

“Other than patients who have regular periods, are pregnant, or have confirmed iron deficiency anemia, we generally do not recommend iron supplementation because it can have negative effects on your health,” Brighten added.

“It can cause gastrointestinal problems if not needed,” Sharp warns.

Honorable mention

Finally, two bonus supplements to consider include beetroot powderBrighten says it’s “rich in nitrates, which the body converts into nitric oxide, leading to increased blood flow and oxygen delivery to your tissues, which can lead to more energy,” and magnesium. She says, “it is a mineral that many people benefit from and can help increase energy levels by improving sleep. Additionally, magnesium is essential for the metabolism of food, which is how we get energy, and in regulating blood sugar levels, which helps us maintain energy.”

More information about supplements:


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