
Haiti’s health system pushed to breaking point: UNICEF

Only six out of ten hospitals remain operational as gang-led chaos continues across the capital Port-au-Prince, leaving children vulnerable. deprived of essential care.

Mr. Maes said that rising violence along with “mass displacement, dangerous epidemics and increasing malnutrition” have stretched the country’s health system to the limit and ” strangling the supply chain” could completely disrupt this system.

“Escalating violence in Port au Prince and Artibonite is pushing Haiti into a humanitarian disaster. “Not only are children stranded, but so are essential supplies meant to treat and nourish them,” Mr. Maes said. UN News.

Stressful resources

Warehouses, pharmacies and containers filled with essentials have been confiscated or looted. UNICEF.

However, hundreds of containers containing humanitarian aid including newborn, maternal and medical supplies remain stuck in Port-au-Prince.

The country’s capital usually receives and distributes all imported medical supplies, but with widespread violence and more than 160,000 displaced civilians, Port-au-Prince can no longer care for People are being severely affected. “while protecting against physical injury and disease risk.”

UNICEF said many displaced families, especially those in the south of the country, were seeking safety and security, putting pressure on local health services. The agency reported that about 40% of employees had to leave the country because of high levels of insecurity.

The disease broke out on a large scale

Haiti reported 82,000 cases of cholera between October 2022 and April 2024, UNICEF said.

Nearly 4.4 million people in Haiti are in dire need of food assistance, and 1.6 million civilians face severe food insecurity, increasing the risk of child wasting and malnutrition.

The situation is likely to worsen in the upcoming rainy season, which could cause an increase in waterborne and mosquito-borne diseases, such as malaria.

UNICEF and other humanitarian partners are establishing alternatives to Port-au-Prince’s import and coordination centers.

These alternative routes have enabled the agency, together with the Ministry of Health and international donors and partners, to deliver vaccines, medicines and medical supplies to children in greatest need.

On 18, 20 and 21 May, UNICEF delivered 38 tons of essential medical and life-saving supplies, including medical and cholera kits, through a new operations center jointly run by the United Nations and the United Nations. Children’s relief organization established.

Mr. Maes said UN News These supplies will be sent to medical facilities “Those people are just barely keeping their heads above water.”

UNICEF said more aid is urgently needed.

“We cannot allow vital supplies that can save children’s lives to remain stagnant in warehouses and containers. They have to be delivered now,” Mr. Maes said.

I said UN News that UNICEF is also “sourcing critical, ready-to-use medical food supplies right here in Haiti.”

He said these supplies will be delivered to 600 medical facilities across Haiti as well as several other mobile clinics in areas with limited access.

“When supplies reach children, children have a chance to live healthy lives…children can go to school. They can play, they can just be kids,” Mr. Maes said.


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