
‘All hands on deck’ in Antigua and Barbuda as Small Island States aim for resilient prosperity

Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) will bring together governments, the United Nations, civil society, the private sector and leading youth voices to turn new ideas into action, make new commitments of support and discuss discuss the main challenges ahead for vulnerable countries.

Live on the edge

Have 39 SIDSfrom the site of the Antigua and Barbuda conference to Vanuatu in the South Pacific, considered a special case in need of support during the 1992 war United Nations Conference on Environment and Developmentalso known as the game changing first Earth Summit.

They are located in some of the world’s most disaster-prone regions, severely exposed to rising sea levels, climate shock and natural disasters. SIDS have a small domestic market and are vulnerable to economic shocks and downturns.

Other challenges include rapid population growth putting pressure on basic services and employability, while they are actually on the frontline of climate change and environmentally vulnerable. .

Many SIDS lack sufficient resilience to cope with the increasing frequency of natural disasters, something the people of Antigua and Barbuda are well aware of. suffered devastating impacts about hurricanes Irma and Maria making landfall in the Caribbean in 2017.

Survival is at stake

In an interview with UN News, The country’s Prime Minister, Gaston Browne, say they were of the worst external shocks “literally devastated our economy and damaged our infrastructure, our buildings, our homes.”

He emphasized that global cooperation to mitigate global warming is essential if small island States are to survive in the coming decades:

Other common challenges include high import and export costs, limited natural resources, population density significantly higher than the global average, high debt, and limited access to low-cost loans. limit.

In 2014, SIDS met and agreed SAMOA Road to take action, expanding the United Nations agency that stands up for the interests of landlocked developing countries and least developed countries to include small island states.

Delivery time

The Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and the High Representatives of the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States are in charge of that Office, UN-OHRLLS, Rabab Fatima speak UN News before SIDS4 – which takes place from May 24 to 27 – there it will “deliver a bold new action plan to build the resilience of 39 small island states to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges and achieve the SDGs”.

She emphasized the consensus that had formed around it an agreed action program The delegates will return to their respective capitals when they leave Antigua and Barbuda next weekend.

This new agenda will set out the sustainable development aspirations of small island states over the next decade.

In Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Viola Samuel is able to grow vegetables in her backyard thanks to a Government training program supported by WFP.

© WFP/Alexis Masciarelli

In Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Viola Samuel is able to grow vegetables in her backyard thanks to a Government training program supported by WFP.

The oath is renewed

We go there to renew our commitment to strengthening resilience and promoting shared prosperity,” said Ms. Fatima, who is also a Special Advisor to the SIDS4 conference.

We need all hands on deck,she added. “So NGOs, civil society, government and the private sector, all have a role to play.”

She said the new strategy will help build resilience, strengthen climate action, reduce disaster risks, strengthen safe and healthy societies, and promote science, technology, innovation and digitalisation, enhancing prosperity, jobs, equity and inclusion and building partnerships.

To do this, greater support is needed from the international community in Antigua and beyond.

NGOs, civil society, government and the private sector all have a role to play.
– Rabab Fatima

Fighting climate change on the front lines

However, with limited resources and greater vulnerability, how can SIDS think long-term when the transition to renewable energy from fossil fuels, for example, may not deliver? Short term benefits for them?

Ms. Fatima said island nations have taken the lead in setting ambitious targets to make that transition.

“Many island nations have set out roadmaps towards meeting 100% energy production from renewable resources by 2030,” including the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Antigua and Barbuda.

In the Pacific, countries such as Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and the Federated States of Micronesia have invested heavily in solar, wind and hydropower projects with support from financial institutions, including the United States Bank of America. Asian Development Bank.

The Caribbean islands of Jamaica and Grenada have seen growth in solar farms, rooftop wind and other renewable energy projects.

A woman harvests salt in the mangroves of Timor-Leste.

A woman harvests salt in the mangroves of Timor-Leste.

Hope overcomes fear

So what positive outcomes does the United Nations’ top official for small island development want to see from Antigua and Barbuda?

“In addition to further promoting the global agenda for sustainable development, My overarching hope is that the SIDS4 conference serves as a catalyst for change for goodleading to remarkable change in the lives of people residing in small island developing states,” said Ms. Fatima, head of UN-OHRLLS.

My greatest hope is that the SIDS4 conference serves as a catalyst for change for good, leading to notable change in the lives of people residing in small island developing states.
– Rabab Fatima

She called for concrete action plans to address urgent issues facing SIDS and strengthened partnerships between international organizations, development partners, civil society and SIDS.

Policy commitments are also on the wish lists of other countries and organizations involved in helping SIDS achieve SDG 2030, “which may require commitments to provide funding, technical assistance and capacity building.” force”.

Ms. Fatima hopes that SIDS will be empowered to take responsibility for their own development plans and be provided with the tools and support necessary to implement resilient and sustainable plans.

“I think the assessment of SIDS4’s success will be based on its ability to drive significant action, gather resources and promote constructive change. for the benefit of people living in small island developing states.”

Solar panels being maintained by a worker at a photovoltaic farm in Mauritius.

Solar panels being maintained by a worker at a photovoltaic farm in Mauritius.

UN News There will be a team in St. Johns, the capital of Antigua and Barbuda, to give you a front row seat to all the action. From your mobile phone or computer, Follow important events and discussions as SIDS4 delegates work towards an agreed, focused, forward-looking and action-oriented political outcomes document.


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