
What happened Friday at UNGA: Guterres briefs on Gaza; Asia-Pacific leaders warn of ‘climate disaster’; Delegates sign major treaties

🔵 At Security Council, Secretary General António Guterres fully condemned the “horrible terrorist acts committed by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups” almost a year ago.

However, as of October 7 [2023]Israel’s relentless bombardment and hostilities have killed tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza. “Let us be clear, a breach by one party cannot be used to justify a breach by the other party.”

“We need a ceasefire now,” the UN chief said. Warning that “the shock waves radiating from the unprecedented death and destruction in Gaza now threaten to push the entire region into the abyss,” he said that earlier today “the Israel Defense Forces attacked Civil buildings in Beirut”. [Lebanon]saying they targeted the Hezbollah headquarters located below.”

Find our LIVE coverage of the Security Council meeting This.

Find the Secretary-General’s full statement This.

More information is available on the Gaza crisis This.

Find our Middle East Concentrate insurance This.

🔵 In General AssemblyPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he came to New York to “set the record straight” after hearing “lies” against Israel during the UN General Assembly from other leaders. “Israel longs for peace,” he said. “Israel has achieved peace and will restore peace.”

In what he called “the battle between good and evil,” he said there must be no ambiguity. “Ladies and gentlemen, real war criminals do not exist in Israel. They are in Iran. They are in Gaza, in Syria, in Lebanon, in Yemen. Those who side with these war criminals, those who side with evil against good… should be ashamed of themselves.”

Find our coverage This.

More on Friday’s General Assembly debate This.

🔵 The looming “climate disaster” is foremost on the minds of many leaders from Asia and the Pacific. In their speech, they emphasized a brutal reality: climate change is a clear and present danger to everyone on the Planet, but their countries and people will likely be affected. suffer the most.

The Prime Ministers of Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Tuvalu and Tonga called on the global community to heed their warnings and actions, not only for the sake of their countries but for health of the entire planet.

Find our coverage This.

🔵 Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), which has become the United Nations’ leading platform for intercultural dialogue, understanding and cooperation, convened its annual high-level meeting to discuss progress in its work to bridge the divide. divide and promote harmony between nations, to prevent conflict and promote social cohesion.

The meeting was chaired by Miguel Ángel Moratinos, High Representative of the UNAOC, and featured remarks by: José Manuel Albares Bueno, Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation; Hakan Fidan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Türkiye; and Paulo Rangel, Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs.

Watch the event on the United Nations Webcast This.

Learn more about UNAOC This.

🔵 The international community reaffirmed its commitment to strengthening the multilateral treaty framework by taking a total of 32 actions at the annual week-long Treaty Event, which ended on Friday.

The actions focus on the Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ), with 12 additional signatures, as well as a new year of ratification.

“These actions… have brought us closer to the Agreement entering into force.” [the BBNJ treaty] This is of particular importance for the conservation and sustainable use of the marine biodiversity of large areas of the ocean and for addressing the three planetary crises of climate change, pollution, and pollution. and loss of biodiversity,” said Stephen Mathias, Acting Deputy Secretary-General for Legal Affairs. issues and legal advice of the United Nations.

Learn more about the landmark BBNJ treaty This.

Learn more about the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Delve into the United Nations archives Treaty collection.


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