
US Team Psychologist at Paris Olympics: Health Checkups Are Beneficial for Mental Health

I hesitated; I was usually the one asking questions in an interview. My thoughts drifted back to my childhood, to vague memories of my pediatric dentist. I remembered the fish tank in the waiting room, the wall of Manila files behind the reception desk, the strong smell of fluoride bubble gum in the stuffy office air. But, as Kweku Smith, PhDspeculated, I can’t pinpoint my first visit because I’ve been a dental patient for as long as I can remember. Coincidentally, I had an appointment with an orthodontist on the day of my phone interview with Smith, a psychological services provider for United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee.

Pediatric dentists try to make visits fun and ease children’s fears, Smith says. More importantly, children learn healthy habits and develop a relationship with their dentist, maintaining a routine every six months. Without this experience, going to the dentist as an adult would be scary, he says. We’re taught from a young age about the importance of dental, medical, and eye care—why not? mental health care?

“Most people see it as a disease, a diagnosis,” Smith says. Luck. “But (what) happens if we practice the spirit of health treatment?”

I spoke to Smith just before he left for the trip. Pariswhere the former Milwaukee Bucks team psychologist is currently undergoing His first Olympic and Paralympic Games as Team USA’s mental health provider. While he and his colleagues on call 24/7 during the Games to address crises big and small, Smith encouraged. patient athlete to check their health when their mental health is at a good level. He recommends that the general public take responsibility for mental well-being in the same way.

“I tell people, Search for services before you need it. That way, you have someone who can get a baseline of your average,” Smith says. “If they see things are getting worseThey can pull a mirror up to you to say, hey, let’s try these things. Or, unfortunately, if an injury or tragedy happens, you have a professional on your team who can be there.”

“Look at mental health,” Smith added. just like you do with your physical health-Like us annual health checkLike us go to the eye doctorLike us go to the dentist regularly. We don’t go every day. Sometimes you go when needed until something happens, and then maybe you go a few more times.”

Tiến sĩ Kweku Smith, nhà cung cấp dịch vụ tâm lý cho Ủy ban Olympic và Paralympic Hoa Kỳ, làm người mẫu cho đội y tế chính thức đầu tiên của Đội tuyển Hoa Kỳ <a href="" mục tiêu="_trống"Đồng phục >Olympics</a> designed by Figs for the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.” loading=”lazy” width=”960″ height=”640″ decoding=”async” data-nimg=”1″ style=”color:transparent; height:auto;object-fit:cover;width:100%;background-size:cover;background-position:50% 50%;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg xmlns=’’ viewBox=’0 0 960 640’%3E%3Cfilter id=’b’ color-interpolation-filters=’sRGB’%3E%3CfeGaussianBlur stdDeviation=’20’/%3E%3CfeColorMatrix values=’1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 100 -1′ result= ‘s’/%3E%3CfeFlood x=’0′ y=’0′ width=’100%25′ height=’100%25’/%3E%3CfeComposite operator=’out’ in=’s’/%3E%3CfeComposite in2=’SourceGraphic’/%3E%3CfeGaussianBlur stdDeviation=’20’/%3E%3C/filter%3E%3Cimage width=’100%25′ height=’100%25′ x=’0′ y=’0′ preserveAspectRatio=’none’ style=’filter: url(%23b);’ href=’’/%3E%3C/svg%3E")” sizes=”100vw” srcset=” 320w, 384w, 480w, img-assets/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Dr.-Kweku-Smith-Headshot_2738db-e1722016145873.jpg?w=576&q=75 576w, uploads/2024/07/Dr.-Kweku-Smith-Headshot_2738db-e1722016145873.jpg?w=768&q=75 768w, 1024w, img-assets/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Dr.-Kweku-Smith-Headshot_2738db-e1722016145873.jpg?w=1280&q=75 1280w, uploads/2024/07/Dr.-Kweku-Smith-Headshot_2738db-e1722016145873.jpg?w=1440&q=75 1440w” src=”″/><figcaption>Dr. Kweku Smith, a psychological services provider for the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee, is the model for the first official Olympic uniform of the USA Medical Team, designed by Figs, ahead of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.</figcaption><p>Thanks to Figs for help</p> </div> <p>Being proactive about your mental health also gives you time to find a health care provider who fits your needs and preferences, Smith says.</p> <p>“Not every psychologist and therapist is for everyone. So if I don’t find the right person, guess what, I have time to look,” he said. “But if I come to you in the middle of a tragedy, if I come to you in the middle of some kind of trauma, I almost have to bet that the first person I see is going to be helpful.”</p> <p>When it comes <a href=some types of cancer and other dangerous medical conditions, Prevent And early detection save lives. Smith approaches mental health care in a similar way.

“[Don’t] “Look at it from a disease perspective, but look at the mental health spectrum from well-being to disease,” Smith said. Luck“The earlier you get involved in your health care, the more likely you are to deal with the illness or prevent it, or be able to use mediation services before it gets worse… If I can find a solution quickly, my chances of success are higher.”

Smith’s efforts to encourage people to nurture their mental health on sunny days are part of his larger goal of removing the stigma around mental health treatment. You’ve probably never felt embarrassed to tell someone you had a dentist appointment; why would you feel embarrassed to mention a visit to your therapist?

“Even if you’re great, you can always be better,” Smith says, “and that’s what I think about therapy.”

If you need immediate mental health support, contact Suicide and Crisis Hotline 988.

For more information about mental health:

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