
UN warns against continued transfers of banned weapons to Ukraine and Russia

Warning Security CouncilHigh Representative for Disarmament Affairs Izumi Nakamitsu said that since The final summary of the arms transfer was just two weeks ago.The provision of military assistance and the transfer of weapons and ammunition to the Armed Forces of Ukraine continues. in the context of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in violation of United Nations Charter and international law.

Any transfer of arms and ammunition must comply with the applicable international legal framework.including, of course, relevant Security Council resolutions, which in some cases impose sanctions and restrictions on such transfers,” she said.

The shipments are believed to include heavy conventional weapons such as tanks, armoured fighting vehicles and aircraft, helicopters, large-calibre missile and artillery systems, and unmanned combat aircraft, along with remotely controlled ammunition, small arms and light weapons and their ammunition.

She also pointed to reports of countries transferring or planning to transfer weapons such as drones, ballistic missiles and ammunition to the Russian armed forces, which have been used and are likely to be used in Ukraine.

Izumi Nakamitsu, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, briefed the Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.

Izumi Nakamitsu, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, briefed the Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.

Nations must comply with global arms treaties

The High Representative raised his deep concern about reports relating to use and transfer of cluster bombs Since the start of the conflict, contamination with mines and explosive remnants of war has been widespread in Ukraine.

Reminding the 15-member Council of the importance and value of international law in today’s challenging security context, she called on member states to comply with their obligations under various disarmament treaties, in particular the conventions on cluster bombanti-personnel mine and what is called “some conventional weapons” is considered to be excessively indiscriminate or hurtful, such as booby trapweaponization laser designed to cause permanent blindness and incendiary weapon.

The Global participation and full implementation of these treaties must remain a top priority.She said, calling on all States to comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law and to become priority parties to disarmament treaties and comply with their obligations.

“Compliance with these obligations is essential to prevent unnecessary human suffering or injury and to protect civilians,” she said, stressing that importing, transiting, producing and exporting states must act responsibly at every step in the arms and ammunition transfer chain to prevent and detect diversion, illicit trafficking and misuse.

The death toll continues to rise

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has recorded more than 11,700 civilian deaths and more than 24,600 civilian injuries in Ukraine.

According to OHCHR, August is the second-highest month for civilian casualties in 2024after July, with at least 184 civilians killed and 856 wounded in Ukraine.

Ms. Nakamitsu said Russia’s use of armed drones and missiles continued to cause civilian casualties and damage to civilian infrastructure in Ukraine.

There have also been reports of a number of cross-border attacks using Ukrainian missiles and drones inside Russian territory, some of which have caused civilian casualties and damage to civilian targets.

“Armed drones and missiles must not be used in a manner inconsistent with international humanitarian law,” she said.

“All parties to any armed conflict have an obligation under international humanitarian law to protect civilians,” she said.

Russia: Ukraine uses chemical weapons

Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia said Ukraine and its Western backers were trying to defuse the situation on the battlefield, but there were reports of heavy losses of weapons being sent to Kyiv. Moreover, many reports indicated that Ukrainian forces were using chemical weapons, he said, adding that Moscow would continue to inform Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

Returning to the possibility of easing the flow of weapons into Ukraine, he said “If the decision to lift the restrictions is actually made, it would mean that from that moment on NATO countries would be at direct war with Russia.“ .

“In this case, we will have to make decisions with all the consequences that the Western aggressors will have to bear,” he said. “We are not talking about a game here. The fact is that NATO will be a direct party to hostilities against a nuclear power.”

Panoramic view of the United Nations Security Council Meeting Room as members discuss threats to international peace and security.

US reports new Iranian missile shipments

US Ambassador Robert Wood highlighted the new developments, saying that Iranian military personnel trained Russian military personnel last summer on how to use Iran’s Project 360 short-range ballistic missiles, and that Russia received the first shipment of hundreds of these missiles from Iran in early September.

With a maximum range of 75 miles, these missiles allow Russia to maintain a longer-range strike capability for use across Ukraine, expanding Russia’s arsenal and giving it the ability to destroy more of Ukraine’s infrastructure before winter, while destabilizing European security.

There is no justification for what Russia is doing in Ukraine.,” he said, adding that the United States would continue to support Kyiv’s ability to defend itself and that “we will not back down.”

UK voices support for Kyiv

Britain’s deputy permanent representative James Kariuki said that “by convening this meeting today on the transfer of Western arms to Ukraine, Russia has once again only succeeded in drawing our attention to its continued hypocrisy”.

He said Iran’s short-range ballistic missiles would “soon reach European territory” and Russia continued to purchase large quantities of weapons from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, violating Council resolutions “for which Russia itself voted”.

He said Moscow’s war in Ukraine was a “blatant violation” of international law and the UN Charter, adding that “we will not be deterred in our unwavering support for Ukraine”.

Watch the full Security Council meeting below:

Ukraine requests long-range missiles

Meanwhile in Washington, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and US President Joe Biden are expected to meet on Friday to discuss the ongoing situation. Earlier in the day, Moscow expelled six British diplomats, accusing them of spying, which the UK Foreign Office said was a “completely unfounded” accusation.

The White House meeting came after Kiev renewed its demands for long-range missile strikes, media reports said.

The two leaders are expected to address Ukraine’s request to ease restrictions on the use of weapons supplied by Washington and London.

ICC: ‘Justice must play a central role’

Simultaneously, International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Karim Khan said justice must play a central role in confronting aggression and resisting attempts to wield unlimited power in a statement issued after his sixth visit to Ukraine since the war began.

Referring to Kyiv’s recent decision to sign the Rome Statute recognizing the ICC, he said “It is remarkable that amid bombings and kidnappings, when children were targeted and deliberate suffering was inflicted on civilians, the Ukrainian people and authorities set an example by seeing the law as their ally.“ .

“It is commendable and welcome that a country, in the midst of a conflict at its most intense, is increasingly abiding by the law,” he said.

“We should not underestimate the importance of this moment. This decision by Ukraine, especially at this time, not only strengthens the protection that international law can provide for the people of Ukraine, but also for all those who suffer aggression, tyranny and brutality around the world.”

Hope and ‘a clear warning’

Mr Khan called it a powerful act of solidarity and unity at a time when “many seek to drive a wedge between those who believe in the rule of law”.

Sending a message of “hope and clear warning”, he said those who violate Ukrainian territory “should know that we are united in holding them accountable”.

“If you are a foot soldier, if you are flying a drone to a target, if you are sitting behind a desk planning the illegal kidnapping of individuals, please know that The collective efforts demonstrated in the last few days will eventually erase any feelings of irresponsibility you currently have.“, he said.

“We will not give up on the goal, we will increase the intensity of our work, we will strengthen our partnership with all our Ukrainian partners until we really demonstrate the potential of the law at this point.”


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