
UN takes lead in seeking cooperation on climate and development

Fifth Global Conference on Climate and SDG Synergiesheld from 5-6 September in Rio de Janeiro, was convened because commitments on both fronts had yet to make progress.

Moment of Truth

In his opening remarks on Thursday, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed stressed the need for countries to act now.

“We are facing a moment of reckoning with the truth about climate change,” she said.

Ms Mohammed noted that greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise when they should be falling, while climate disasters are increasing and becoming more severe across continents, with the most vulnerable being the hardest hit.

Furthermore, The goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels is “under threat”.

Amina Mohammed (on screen), United Nations Under-Secretary-General, speaks at the 5th Global Conference on Synergies between Global Climate and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Amina Mohammed (on screen), United Nations Under-Secretary-General, speaks at the 5th Global Conference on Synergies between Global Climate and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Action and opportunity

Meanwhile, the latest annual report of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) show that Only 17 percent are on trackand progress in more than a third has stalled or even regressed.

“The need for urgent action is unprecedented, but so is the opportunitynot only for climate benefits but also for economic prosperity and sustainable development,” she said.

The UN deputy secretary-general looked ahead to next year, when all governments will have to submit new climate plans, known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), “which must be consistent with Target 1.5 and clearly demonstrate a commitment to phase out fossil fuels”.

“If implemented correctly, these NDCs can serve as investment plans that promote sustainable development, green jobs and economic resilience,” she said.

She added that governments must also reform the international financial system so that it works for developing countries rather than against them.

SDG Stimulus Plan

Ms Mohammed called for action on three issues, urging governments to fulfil their commitments for a SDG Stimulus Plan will provide $500 billion annually to developing countries.

They must also “secure long-term concessional financing and tax the rich to leverage the trillions of dollars needed for the transition,” she added.

“Third, leaders must commit to using their influence in multilateral development banks to make them better, bigger and stronger in the countries they serve,” she said.

On this issue, she pointed out Summit of the Future at the United Nations Headquarters in New York later this month “where proposals are put forward to reform the global financial system and make it fit for purpose and the next century”.

About the conference

The fifth global conference on climate and SDG synergies was held at the Museum of the Future (Museu do Amanhã) in Rio de Janeiro.

The conference was co-convened by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)) and is hosted by the Government of Brazil in conjunction with its current role as leader of the G20 group of nations.

Discussions at the conference will build on the growing evidence that shows the need for collective action to jointly address the climate emergency and sustainable development challenges.

Supporting transformational change

“Governments and experts are increasingly recognizing the need for integrated solutions,” said Li Junhua, UN under-secretary-general for economic and social affairs.

“Let us commit to tackling climate change and making the transformative changes needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The future of our planet and people depends on the actions we take today.

Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary-General of the UNFCCC, affirmed the promise to leave no one behind.

“We focus on development and climate action, together, The only way we can ensure that the enormous economic opportunities arising from the green transition reach every community is to – fairly, equally and quickly,” he said.


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