
UN peacekeeping saves lives but needs stronger political support and resources, senior officials urge

Address Security CouncilJean-Pierre Lacroix, under-secretary-general for peacekeeping operations, told ambassadors that UN operations “can only be strong” with the collective support of countries.

“As geopolitical tensions rise, including here in this Council, and amid changing global and regional dynamics, Peacekeeping operations increasingly cannot rely on member states to act in a strong, unified way to support peacekeeping efforts. They are tasked with supporting.”

Today, peacekeeping forces face a range of challenges from transnational organized crime, illegal resource exploitation, the impacts of climate change, the proliferation of cheap weapons technology and targeted disinformation campaigns.

Despite all these challenges, today more than 70,000 peacekeepers courageously continue their vital work.“Every day, they make a difference in protecting civilians, clearing mines and explosive remnants of war, monitoring fragile ceasefires and preventing escalation,” said Mr. Lacroix.

Make a difference

He went on to emphasize the tangible impact of peacekeeping efforts in various regions.

In Ituri province of the Democratic Republic of Congo, United Nations peacekeeping force “single-handedly protecting” more than 100,000 displaced civilians at Drodro camp.

In southern Lebanon, the United Nations Interim Force (United Nations) staff face daily threats from cross-border violence but serve as a vital channel of communication to prevent further escalation.

United Nations Mission in South Sudan (SKIP) strives to promote political solutions by engaging local and national stakeholders, building trust for lasting peace.

Meanwhile, in Abyei, the United Nations Interim Security Force (UNISFA) brokers peaceful agreements between herders and farmers competing for scarce natural resources, preventing conflicts during livestock migration by working with local and international partners.

The limits of peacekeeping

While UN peacekeeping forces play an important role in maintaining stability, their efforts alone are insufficient without broader political support.

There are few peacekeeping operations that can do it alone.Mr. Lacroix stressed, calling on the Security Council and member states to provide unified support for missions and encourage political solutions to conflicts.

The Green Helmets can effectively protect civilians, but they do not participate in war.

Peacekeeping must be seen as “a collective commitment by the Security Council to resolve conflicts effectively,” with clear, adaptable and well-resourced mandates, he said.

He also called for strengthening partnerships at local, regional and global levels, stressing the importance of “connected multilateralism” to address today’s connectivity challenges.

Despite recent improvements in peacekeeping safety, Mr Lacroix warned of the growing threat of hostile acts, including drone attacks, and stressed the need for better counter-unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems.

He also stressed that peacekeeping operations have their limits: “The blue helmets may work hard to protect civilians, but they do not participate in war.

United Nations peacekeepers patrol in rural South Sudan.

United Nations peacekeepers patrol in rural South Sudan.

A pivotal moment

Looking ahead, Mr. Lacroix points to things to come. Summit of the Future is an important opportunity for world leaders to strengthen multilateralism.

The summit, which begins on 22 September, will allow member states to review and reaffirm the core principles that have underpinned UN peacekeeping for nearly eight decades. An ambitious “Compact for the Future” is expected to be adopted, setting out a clear mandate to ensure peacekeeping remains adaptable and effective in addressing today’s complex challenges.

“Peacekeeping has proven to be an important tool for this Council and must continue to adapt to meet future challenges,” he said.

“Every day, UN peacekeepers save countless lives with a relatively small investment. But their missions need the attention, political support and resources they deserve. There are few better tools to ensure peace in these fragile times.


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