
UN investigators say torture was ‘a widespread and acceptable practice’ in Ukraine war

In an oral update to members, Erik Møse, chairman of the Inquiry Committee on Ukrainesaid it had documented new cases of torture carried out by Russian authorities against civilians and prisoners of war in occupied areas of Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

“We have collected evidence of sexual violence used as torture, mainly against male victims in detention, and rapes targeting women in Russian-controlled villages,” he said. speak.

“The wide geographical distribution of locations where torture is carried out and the prevalence of common patterns demonstrate that Torture has been used as a common and accepted practice by the Russian authorities, with the feeling of innocence“, he added.

Consistency and coordination

The three-member commission was established about a week after Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. It has previously stressed that torture by Russian authorities is both widespread and systematic.

Mr. Møse said recent investigations showing that Russian authorities had carried out torture in Russian-controlled areas of Ukraine reinforced the finding that torture was widespread, while other common factors confirmed that torture was systematic.

“One factor is the consistency of operations in detention centers holding detainees from Ukraine in the Russian Federation and the replication of these operations in a number of large re-education centers in the occupied regions of Ukraine,” he said.

“Another common factor emerging from the evidence points to a coordinated use of personnel from specific services of the Russian Federation persons involved in torture in all the detention facilities examined by the Commission. Another common feature was the use of sexual violence as a regular form of torture in most of these detention centres.”

Cruelty is tolerated

The Commission also Citing testimony from former detainees, it said prison staff in the Russian Federation referred to the orders to apply cruel treatment. Moreover, in some facilities, higher authorities ordered, condoned, or took no action to prevent it.

“For example, at a detention camp in the occupied territories of Ukraine, a witness described the appearance of a prison official from the Russian Federation who introduced himself to the detainees and said, ‘I broke everyone and will do the same to you,’” said Mr. Møse.

He noted that “a worrying factor” reported in many detention facilities was the lack of adequate medical support.In one facility, even the prison doctor participated in the torture.“, he added.

Olenivka prison explosion

A clear illustration was provided by the compelling testimony of former detainees at the Volnovakha Detention Camp in Ukraine, also known as Olenivka, where an explosion on July 29, 2022, killed many Ukrainian prisoners of war, Mr. Møse said.

According to them, No immediate medical assistance was provided. Dozens more were injured, with life-threatening injuries. Ukrainian military doctors held in the colony were the only ones who attempted first aid that night,” he said.

“They recounted assisting comrades in the dark and without vital medical equipment, using the few remaining items in their first aid kits and bed sheets to apply bandages. They saw many people die that night.while the leadership of the Olenivka colony just stood by and watched.”

Victims call for justice

These violations have left many victims with serious or irreversible physical harm and trauma, causing profound psychological impacts for both them and their families, said Mr. Møse.

Many victims expressed the urgent need for justice.“The Commission reiterates the importance of continuing investigations, identifying perpetrators and accountability, as well as providing comprehensive support to victims,” ​​he said.

Attack on hospital, supermarket

The Committee also continued to note attacks using explosive weapons affecting civilian targets in densely populated areas, causing devastating consequences.

The agency has been investigating attacks on medical facilities, cultural monuments, residential buildings and supermarkets in territories controlled by the Ukrainian Government.

He said Russia’s repeated large-scale attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure have caused power outages, sometimes affecting millions of people.especially the elderly and disadvantaged are affected.

Power outages also disrupted online education, taking a greater toll on displaced children and children with disabilities, who are more likely to enroll in remote learning.

Commission of Inquiry

The United Nations Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine was established on 4 March 2022 to investigate all violations and abuses of human rights, violations of international humanitarian law and related crimes in the context of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

The Commission received its mandate from Human Rights Council and members are not United Nations employees and are not paid for their work.


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