
Trump’s predictable conclusion is in line with a Fox poll that puts Joe Biden ahead

Earlier this week, Fox News released a poll showing that Joe Biden beat Donald Trump nationally by two points, with 50% of voters saying they would vote for the current president and 48% supporting the former. Can you guess what happens next?

If you’re someone who’s been around since 2016, you might have predicted that Trump had a characteristically inconsistent take on the whole thing—and you guessed right! On Truth Social, former president get angry to his followers: “The latest Fox News poll is TRASH! They used a biased, Democratic-leaning voter sample, polling more Biden 2020 voters than Trump 2020 voters to skew the results in favor of Crooked Joe. I’m leading BIG in almost every other poll, including all the key battleground states, like Wisconsin, where I just held a big rally, and Pennsylvania, where I’ll be on Saturday. ”

He also bristled when polls showed voters believed the most important election issue of the day was “the future of American democracy,” with the economy coming in second, followed by “stability and normal,” health care and immigration ranked fifth. . “The No. 1 Problem in this Country is not protecting democracy,” declared the guy who famously tried to overthrow democracy on January 6, 2021. “It’s INFLATION and IMMIGRATION! If it’s protecting democracy, Trump is your best choice, because crooked Joe Biden is the greatest threat to democracy in history with his Open Borders and weaponization of the system. our judicial system against his political opponent, ME! Fox News polls have never treated me or MAGA fairly! Don’t worry, we will WIN!!! Fox News should be eliminated Paul Ryan, and get a new Pollster, but they won’t…”

If leaving out the story about former House Speaker Paul Ryan seems random, this is really just the latest news in one old beef Trump has had ties to the former congressman, who joined Fox’s board after he left politics. Earlier this week—after Ryan said Trump was “inappropriate” for office—Trump Written on Truth Social: “No one can trust Fox News, and I am one of them, along with the weak and ineffective RINO, Paul Ryan, on the Fox News Board of Directors. He is a completely gullible person, a failed and pathetic Speaker of the House, and a very disloyal person. [Mitt] Romney bad, but Paul Ryan made him look worse. As a team, they never stood a chance. Rupert And Lachlan [Murdoch], kick that dog off your board – You don’t need it. ALL YOU NEED IS TRUMP. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Jesus most likely muttered “what the hell” while watching this video

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