
Trump claims Christianity is under threat in America to attract Protestant voters

Donald Trump warned that Christianity in America would be “devastated” if Joe Biden is re-elected to a second term as he called on Saturday for evangelicals to vote for him in record numbers.

Speaking at a conference of influential Protestant leaders in Washington, the former Republican president accused the “radical left” of “silencing” Christians, endorsing the exhibition Ten Commandments in public schools and at one point said he had “wounds” all over his body. body from political repression.

“If I take off this shirt, you will see a beautiful, beautiful person. But you will see wounds all over my body,” Mr. Trump said. “I have suffered a lot of injuries, I can tell you that. More than I suspect of any president ever.”

trumpet were cheered by a crowd of more than a thousand self-described evangelical Christians at the annual “Road to the Majority” conference hosted by the influential Faith and Freedom Coalition.

Ralph Reed, the group’s founder and president, introduced Trump as a “dear friend” and a “tireless, tireless champion for faith, freedom and this great country.” ”.

Reed alluded to critics’ initial skepticism about Trump’s commitment to evangelical voters, saying: “They told us we couldn’t trust him. They told us he wouldn’t keep his word. But as president of the United States, he kept every promise he made to us.”

Trump took the stage in Washington to record his campaign song, “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood. Many in the crowd wore red Make America Great Again hats and waved small American flags, while others raised their hands as if in prayer.

When he first ran for president in 2016, Trump, a brash former casino owner who had been married three times and famously struggled to name his favorite Bible verse, was not a top choice. of many Protestant voters. But he has received praise for his commitment to appointing conservative judges, including three Supreme Court justices, who helped turn the tide. Roe v. Wadeguarantees constitutional rights to one abortionin 2022.

Trump again took credit for the overturned ruling on Saturday, but defended his decision not to endorse a national abortion ban that has been popular with many anti-abortion advocates and traditional leaders. the teacher called. Instead, Trump has argued that the reversal of fish eggs means individual states should be allowed to set their own abortion restrictions, in a move seen partly as a response to concerns that stricter abortion laws have hurt Republicans tie and help the Democrats at the ballot box.

“Now it depends on the will of the people in each state. Some states will be more conservative, others will be more liberal. . . every voter has to follow their heart and do what is right, but we also have to get elected, because we have so much more.”

Today, white evangelicals make up a key group of voters in Trump’s support base. A Pew survey conducted earlier this year found that about four-fifths of white evangelical voters said they would vote for Trump if the election were held today. Trump also drew strong support from white Protestants and white Catholics, with 57% and 61% of both groups, respectively, saying they intended to vote for Trump.

Trump’s appearance on Saturday was aimed at eliminating that vote: “Christians go to church but they don’t vote that much. Do you know what power you will have if you vote? So you have to go out and vote, just this once. ”

“I don’t care, for four years, you don’t have to vote, okay? In four years, don’t vote, I don’t care,” he added.

As a former president, Trump is only eligible to complete one more term.

“Christians cannot sit on the sidelines,” Trump added. “If Joe Biden returns, Christianity will not be safe in a country with no borders, no laws, no freedom, no future. . . I think your religion will surely fall apart if you want to know the truth.”

“Our loyalty is . . . to our country, our belief system and our creator,” Trump added, prompting shouts of “Amen!” From the crowd. “We do not answer to officials in Washington. We answer to God in heaven.”

A Biden campaign spokesman called Trump’s speech “incoherent” and “unsubstantiated,” adding that it “showed voters in his own words that he is a threat to our freedoms and is too dangerous to be allowed anywhere near the White House again.”

But conference attendees were largely enthusiastic about the former president, describing Trump as a man of faith who they believed would escape punishment for his alleged crimes and be released from prison. elected to another term at the White House in November.

“I can see how God protected him,” said Alfonso Talavera, a 59-year-old real estate agent from Maryland.

“Everything [Trump] been through, it’s a lot. . . he is the one protected by God. He is a loyal person. When he speaks, he goes to the gospel. . . and he also asked for prayers.”


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