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Top aid officials call for solidarity and more support for Haiti

Despite the huge need the crisis has created, a nearly $680 million humanitarian plan launched in February is less than a quarter funded.

“It is very clear to many Haitians that they are paying a heavy price of violence, once again, has devastated the country,” said Edem Wosornu, director of operations and advocacy at the UN emergency relief agency OCHApress conference with journalists in New York.

Lives turned upside down by violence

She spoke from the Haitian capital alongside Lucia Elmi, Director of Emergency Programmes at the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Andrea Koulaimah of the European Commission’s Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations department, known as ECHO.

The senior officials were wrapping up a four-day visit to the Caribbean nation, where 11 million people – the entire population – have “been affected by violence in one way or another”, according to Ms Elmi.

The situation has forced nearly 600,000 Haitians to leave their homes, and displacement has increased 60 percent since MarchSome five million people are facing severe hunger, with nearly 1.6 million at risk of starvation.

‘Window of opportunity’

Haiti’s health and education systems have also been severely affected. Only two of the country’s five hospitals are functioning, and More than 900 schools have closed.depriving about 200,000 children of their right to education.

“We’re only eight weeks into the new school year, so this is an opportunity we really need to seize to get schools not just open but back in business,” she said.

Sexual violence cases on the rise

Women and children are disproportionately affected by the crisis and the level of brutality and violence they endure is “really, really heartbreaking,” Ms. Elmi noted.

She said sexual violence had increased 400-fold compared to last year, when about 100,000 cases were reported.

She recalled visiting a center in Port-au-Prince that supported survivors, including a 14-year-old girl whose family had been kidnapped and several members killed. Despite being raped and beaten for days, the teenager was determined to finish her studies and become a social worker.

Government commitment is guaranteed

Humanitarian workers traveled to other parts of Haiti, including Gonaïves in the north and Les Cayes, in the south, and spoke to a wide range of residents, including farmers, out-of-school children, mothers and “strong” businesswomen.

They also held talks with the government, particularly with new Prime Minister Garry Connille.

Ms Koulaimah said that while the crisis required a stronger and better-funded response, it would not be solved by humanitarian aid alone.

Haitians must solve this problem themselves.and the Government has assured us of its commitment to do everything in its power to get out of the current crisis and they need our support,” she said.

Stressing the need for more funding, she insisted humanitarian aid was being delivered and “reaching its target” despite difficulties in accessing it.

Stand with Haiti

Ms. Wosornu added that “Haiti needs real long-term solutions to boost development”, including restoring schools, health centers and other basic services.

Throughout her visit, the Haitian people repeatedly called for three simple things: peace, an end to violence and taking back their lives, she said.

“We conclude our visit by reiterating our call to the international community stand with the people of Haiti,” she speaks.

“We owe it to the women, we owe it to the children, we owe it to the elderly, to the women and to all the Haitians that we have met across the country.”

United Nations Mission Extended

Earlier on Friday, the United Nations Security Council in New York unanimously adopted a resolution to extend the mandate of the United Nations political mission in Haiti, BINUHuntil July 15, 2025.

The 15 ambassadors strongly condemned the increasing violence, criminal activities, mass displacement, human rights violations and abuses, which undermine peace, stability and security of the country and the region.

Council members welcomed the establishment of the transitional governance mechanism as well as the formation of the Presidential Transitional Council and the inauguration of the interim Prime Minister and his Cabinet.

They reaffirmed the need for all Haitian stakeholders to “continue to promote a Haitian-led and Haitian-owned political process towards holding free and fair legislative and presidential elections.”

In this regard, they stressed the need for full, equal, meaningful and safe participation of women as well as the participation of youth, civil society and other stakeholders.

They also called on all stakeholders in Haiti to “urgently establish an interim electoral council and reach agreement on a sustainable, time-bound and mutually acceptable roadmap for elections.”

BINUH is the French acronym for the United Nations Office in Haiti, established by the Security Council in June 2019.

The Mission is present only in Port-au-Prince and works primarily with state institutions to strengthen political stability and good governance, promote a peaceful and stable environment, and protect and promote human rights.


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