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Systematic gender oppression in Afghanistan can amount to crimes against humanity

The de facto government in Afghanistan, the Taliban, returned to power in August 2021 and quickly began restricting women’s rights, including imposing stricter dress codes and banning female education. higher, exclude women from the job market and limit freedom of movement in public. space.

According to the latest report by UN experts, this repression is reinforced by the Taliban’s use of violence, mainly through murder, enforced disappearances, torture, rape and other inhumane acts. another religion.

“The Taliban’s institutionalization of the system of oppression of women and girls, and the harm it continues to cause, will shock the conscience of humanity”, Mr. Bennett said.

‘Gender racism’ is systemic

Since the Taliban took over, a series of verbal and written decrees effectively eliminated the basic freedoms of Afghan women and girls, with the violence used to enforce their edicts.

According to the report, systemic oppression disenfranchises Afghan women over generations, entrenching their low socioeconomic status and State-enforced dependence on men.

Mr. Bennett is adamant that “gender racism” best encapsulates this ongoing injustice, given its ideological and institutionalized nature.

The Eastern Human Rights Association– the appointed expert is recommending that Member States recognize the concept of gender racism and promote its legalization. He believes that doing so will effectively address the unprecedented human rights crisis facing Afghan women.

‘All Tools’ Approach Needed

UN experts are calling on the Taliban to take immediate steps to restore the basic rights of women and girls. He is also promoting an “all tools” approach to dismantling the Taliban’s system of institutionalized gender oppression and holding those responsible accountable.

This will involve inclusive international accountability mechanisms International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Court of Justice (ICJ). It will also include pursuing cases at the national level.

Mr. Bennett opposes any action to legitimize the Taliban leadership until concrete, measurable and verified improvements in human rights take place.

“Afghans, especially Afghan women and girls, showed great courage and determination before the repression of the Taliban. The international community must combine this with protection and solidarityincludes decisive and principled action, putting human rights front and center,” the UN expert said.


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