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Security Council renews mandate in Haiti, calls for more action against gangs

Mission is authorized last October to support Haiti’s beleaguered police force. Led by Kenya, the force currently has about 410 police on the ground and is expected to grow to about 2,500. Currently the country is still in crisis.

The renewal comes as the mission tries to curb widespread gang violence, create an environment conducive to aid delivery and facilitate free and fair elections.

In a unanimous vote on resolution 2751The 15-member council called on the MSS delegation to accelerate implementation and called on all countries to contribute and provide additional voluntary support.

The resolution reaffirms that the Secretary-General of the United Nations may provide logistical support to missions when requested, subject to full financial reimbursement through available voluntary contributions and compliance with fully comply with the United Nations Human Rights Due Diligence Policy.

Unprecedented security crisis

Last Thursday, Haiti’s transitional President Edgard Leblanc Fils Address The United Nations General Assembly, warned that his country faced “unprecedented security crisis”.

People are living in fear of even having to move freely or go to school, especially around the capital Port-au-Prince,” He speak at a high-level debate of the General Assembly, calling for continued United Nations support.

Rampant violence also fueled humanitarian needs across Haiti, with More than half of the population is classified as facing “acute levels of hunger”according to Latest IPC analysisa global monitoring mechanism for malnutrition and food insecurity.

The US pledges its steadfast support

Following its adoption, US Ambassador and Permanent Representative Linda Thomas-Greenfield emphasized the international community’s strong message of solidarity with the people of Haiti.

She emphasized: “The world is always with you and we are constantly making efforts to help restore security and stability and put the country on the path of peace and prosperity.”

She echoed President Leblanc’s call for long-term sustainability and encouraged the international community to build on the progress the mission has made to date.

“Let us work together to build progress on the MSS Haiti mission. Let’s embrace a new approach to maintaining it. Let us protect the fragile but inspiring opportunity to build a better future for the people of Haiti,” said Ms. Thomas-Greenfield.

Cité Soleil in downtown Port-au-Prince was particularly affected by high levels of violence and unrest.

Haiti calls in official peacekeepers

Antonio Rodrigue, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Haiti – who does not currently serve on the Council – welcomed the extension but emphasized the need for it to become a full UN peacekeeping operation.

He said it had “demonstrated its effectiveness in a number of important areas, especially through the restoration of security in areas previously controlled by armed gangs”. However, he warned that significant challenges remain.

Gang violence continues to tear at the social fabric, with widespread human rights abuses leaving thousands of families in dire straits, he said, adding that despite the arms embargo, Gangs still have access to weapons and ammunition.

The Haitian ambassador emphasized the need to increase financial support and strengthen the mission and reiterated that converting it into a peacekeeping operation “seems not only necessary but also a urgent problem”.

Kenya calls for urgent reinforcement and resources

Kenya’s Ambassador to the UN Erastus Lokaale outlined President William Ruto’s recent visit to Haiti, where he witnessed the determination of the Haitian people to overcome the many crises they faced.

He emphasized that the mission has achieved some initial successes thanks to the cooperation of the Haitian National Police (HNP), laying the foundation for further progress, including ensuring the security of the airport and other facilities. other important infrastructure.

“With its renewed mandate, the mission is ready to enable the Haitian authorities to defend their country and carry out economic and social reconstruction,” he said.

But for that to happen, “the MSS mission must quickly deploy its full projected 2,500 personnel, up from the current 410 officers,” he reiterated, as well as “significant resources.”

Full video of the Security Council meeting.


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