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Security Council discusses ‘serious and dangerous escalation’ in Middle East

The international community must act together to prevent any action that could make the conflict larger and more widespread very quickly.Rosemary DiCarlo, the UN under-secretary-general for political affairs, warned of rising tensions following the assassination of a senior Hamas leader in Tehran earlier in the day.

The killings came amid Israeli airstrikes south of Beirut, following an apparent attack on a village in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, and heavy fighting across the Green Line, the demarcation line separating the Israeli and Lebanese armed forces.

The incident claimed the lives of many people, including children.

Rosemary DiCarlo, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, is reporting to the Security Council.

Rosemary DiCarlo, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, is reporting to the Security Council.

Serious and dangerous escalation

The various attacks over the past few days represent a serious and dangerous escalation.”, she continued, noting the ongoing war in Gaza, which erupted after a brutal attack on October 7 by Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups in southern Israel.

More than 1,200 Israelis were killed and more than 200 were taken hostage. Dozens of them remain in captivity.

In the Gaza Strip, more than 38,000 Palestinians are believed to have been killed by Israeli military operations, another 88,000 injured, and some 90 percent of the population displaced – multiple times.

Effective diplomatic action is needed.

Ms. DiCarlo recalled the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres‘called on everyone to exercise maximum restraint’, stressing that ‘restraint alone is not enough at this extremely sensitive time’.

Diplomatic efforts to change the trajectory and find a path towards regional peace and stability are urgently needed.“, she emphasized.

“Missile strikes, armed drones and other deadly attacks must end.”

She called on the international community to work together to prevent “any action that could make the conflict bigger and spread more quickly”.

We need swift and effective diplomatic action to de-escalate the situation in the region. This Council has a vital role to play in this. Now is the time.“, she concluded.

Video of the Security Council meeting.

Council members urge actors to act with restraint

After the press conference, Security Council Members stressed the urgent need for de-escalation, ceasefire and diplomatic efforts to prevent further escalation of the conflict in the region. They also highlighted the impact on civilians, especially women and children who are bearing the brunt of the fighting, as well as humanitarian workers and journalists.

Algerian Ambassador and Permanent Representative Amar Bendjama condemned the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh by Israel as “not just an attack on a single person” but “a brutal attack on the very foundations of diplomatic relations, the sanctity of national sovereignty and the principles that underpin our global order”. He called on Israel to take full responsibility for “atrocious war crimes” and “gross human rights violations”.

US Ambassador Robert Wood and Deputy Permanent Representativestressed Israel’s right to self-defense, stating that his country had nothing to do with the attacks on Lebanon or the apparent death of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. He urged Council members with direct influence over Iran to increase pressure on the country to stop escalating proxy conflicts against Israel and others.

Iran's Ambassador Amir Saeid Iravani speaks at a Security Council meeting on the Middle East situation, including the Palestinian issue.

Iran’s Ambassador Amir Saeid Iravani speaks at a Security Council meeting on the Middle East situation, including the Palestinian issue.

Iran: Murder was an act of terrorism

Amir Saeid Iravani, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Iran sent to the United Nations, saying his country had convened an emergency meeting of the Council “to address a matter of urgent importance.”

He condemned the “cowardly assassination…by Israel” of Ismail Haniyeh, a senior Hamas political official, who was on an official visit to Iran at the invitation of the Government to attend the inauguration of the new Iranian President.

“This terrorist act is yet another manifestation of Israel’s decades-long pattern of terror and sabotage targeting Palestinians and those supporting the Palestinian cause across the region and beyond,” he said.

In addition to terrorist goals, Israel also pursues political goals, aiming to sabotage the first day of the new Government in Iran, which prioritizes peace and stability in the region, he alleged.

He strongly condemned this “terrible act” as the most serious violation of international law and unchartedurged “immediate and effective action” by the Security Council.

Ambassador Feda Abdelhady, Deputy Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations, speaks at a Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

Ambassador Feda Abdelhady, Deputy Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations, speaks at a Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

Palestine: Serious violation of international law

Feda Abdelhady, Deputy Permanent Observer to Palestine sent to the United Nations, saying that nearly 300 days had passed since Israel’s war in Gaza began, which was “in serious violation of all principles of international law” and a flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter.

“A war that threatens international peace and security. Yet Israel is allowed to wage this war in broad daylight, without restraint and without consequences,” she said, adding that “every day brings more horror, loss and suffering to our people as the Israeli occupation forces kill Palestinian children, women and men.”

Ms. Abdelhady “strongly condemned” Israel’s violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Iran as well as those of Lebanon, Syria and Yemen.

“We once again call on the Security Council, the General Assembly and all law-abiding, peace-loving states to act immediately to end these horrific and criminal acts of aggression by Israel against the Palestinian people and our region,” she said.

Israel: ‘Hypocrisy’ on display today

Brett Jonathan Miller, Deputy Permanent Representative of Israel, speaks at a Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue.

Brett Jonathan Miller, Deputy Permanent Representative of Israel, speaks at a Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue.

Israeli Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative Brett Jonathan Miller began his speech by highlighting what he called “the blatant hypocrisy going on here today” as the meeting was called by “the world’s number one state sponsor of terrorism”.

He said Iran has used its proxies — Hamas, the Houthis and Hezbollah — to target Israel and its citizens from all directions.

Mr Miller asked if there was any condemnation of Hezbollah and its Iranian suppliers for the massacre of 12 children in Majdal Shams.

“All we hear are expressions of concern about the escalation and calls for restraint from both sides – once again treating a democratic member state of the United Nations as a heinous terrorist organisation,” he said.

Those who genuinely seek stability in the region should welcome the elimination of terrorists and should not call for restraint on either side, he told the Council.

Syrian Ambassador Koussay Aldahhak speaks at a Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue.

Syrian Ambassador Koussay Aldahhak speaks at a Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue.

Syria: Serious crimes committed in Golan

Syrian Ambassador and Permanent Representative Koussay Aldahhak said Israeli occupation forces “committed a serious crime” in Majdal Shams that led to the deaths of 12 children in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, which “is and has always been” Syrian territory.

Reiterating that the people of the occupied Syrian Golan Heights have always been a part of Syria, he said they called for an end to Israel’s actions against them. An occupying power cannot claim that it is defending itself under Article 51 of the UN Charter, he stressed.

Syria condemned Israel’s aggression against countries in the region, including the assassination of Mr. Haniyeh in Iran and the killing of its citizens in Lebanon. Meanwhile, Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.

“Israel’s war criminals cannot continue without support,” he said, calling on the Council to immediately end these crimes and ensure accountability.

Lebanon's Ambassador Hadi Hachem speaks at a Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue.

Lebanon’s Ambassador Hadi Hachem speaks at a Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue.

Lebanon: We do not want war

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Lebanon Hadi Hachem said his country and its people “do not want war,” adding that Beirut had presented a roadmap to ensure security and break the cycle of violence, but had yet to receive a response.

At the same time, Israel’s attack on the capital has caused casualties, he said, adding that such an action demonstrates their true intentions. Likewise, the killing of two Israeli journalists today shows a pattern of targeting the media.

He said ending Israel’s occupation of Arab lands was essential if the region was to return to peace and stability.

He continued that this requires goodwill, however, Israel’s behavior proves otherwise and its claim of self-defense in the occupied territories is invalid.

“History will spare no one; what starts in the Middle East will spread to the whole world,” he warned, calling on the Council to act “before it is too late”.


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