Life Style

Pope Francis has been accused of using a derogatory term for homosexuals

Aleem Maqbool,BBC Religion Editor

Reuters Pope Francis celebrates a ceremony. He is wearing a red robe.Reuters

Pope Francis is said to have used extremely offensive language in an incident that could have a profound impact on his perceived attitudes towards gay people.

When asked at the Italian Bishops’ Conference whether gay men should be allowed to train for the priesthood as long as they remain celibate, Pope Francis said they should not.

It is believed he then went on to say in Italian that there was too much of a disrespectful atmosphere in the Church. Frociaggine.

Although this was a meeting that took place behind closed doors, the Pope’s reported comments were first relayed to the Italian investigative website, Dagospia.

Since then, other Italian news agencies have confirmed the Pope’s words by citing multiple sources.

There was shock at the Pope’s reported language at this private meeting, especially since he has often spoken publicly about respect for gay people.

The Pope’s progressive supporters have long argued that while there has been little apparent change on gay rights within Catholicism, Pope Francis has changed the tone of the Church’s attitude.

When asked about gay people early in his papacy, he attracted attention when he replied: “Who am I to judge?”

He recently created consternation among Catholic traditionalists by says priests can bless same-sex couples in some cases and frequently talks about gay people being welcomed in the Church.

Some are beginning to feel that he is laying the groundwork to eventually allow gay men to train for the priesthood, as long as they remain celibate like other priests.

Not only did he dismiss it in no uncertain terms at the conference, but several news outlets also reported that he had repeatedly used offensive language.

Italian is not the Pope’s first language and he has made many mistakes in the past.

However, some media outlets reported that the Pope also said that homosexuals should be expelled from seminary whether they act according to their sexual orientation or not.

The Vatican has not yet commented on the matter.


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