
New UN effort to ensure peace for women’s equal participation

Announce the pledge at one Security Council Open debate on women, peace and security, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed emphasized that women’s rights are being eroded while they do not have an equal voice in decision-making.

She cited the worsening crises in Gaza, Sudan, AfghanistanAnd Yemenemphasize “It is imperative that we strengthen our resolve to support women in advocating for their rights, self-determination and inclusion at every opportunity.”

Ms. Mohammed emphasized that no mediator can make a difference: “Collective action and solidarity are vital in today’s broader context of global reconciliation,she said.

the General commitment brings together global mediators – including the United Nations, Member States, regional organizations and NGOs – to take voluntary but concrete steps towards equitable participation equality in all peace processes.


It includes appointing women as lead mediators and ensuring women are an integral part of mediation teams.

It also includes lobbying with representatives of warring parties to set specific goals to promote the direct and meaningful participation of women.

Additionally, the groups will consult “consistently and broadly” with women leaders and civil society throughout all stages of the peace process. It also brings gender expertise into mediation teams to ensure gender-responsive peace agreements.

Global response

Speaking during the open debate, Sima Bahous, CEO of United Nations Women – the leading organization for women’s empowerment – ​​warns that growing opposition to gender equality is eroding women’s rights in many areas.

This backlash is acute in conflict zones, where the consequences are even more dangerous, she said.

She added that disempowering women and taking away their autonomy in decision-making, including the right to make their own decisions and their bodies can mean “the difference between life and death”.

The weaponization of misogyny for political gain is exacting a price that we will pay for generations.. That price will be more conflict, longer conflict, more devastating conflict.”

Despite the challenges, women are leading and supporting relief efforts globally. In this file photo, a female aid worker distributes winter clothing to families affected by the conflict in Ukraine.

© UNICEF/Oleksandr Osipov

Despite the challenges, women are leading and supporting relief efforts globally. In this file photo, a female aid worker distributes winter clothing to families affected by the conflict in Ukraine.

Unparalleled courage

Despite these challenges, Ms. Bahou praised the incredible bravery of women in conflict zones.

From running “secret schools” in Afghanistan, to providing aid in Ukraine, to negotiating peace amid the siege in Syria, she emphasized, women continue to make important contributions. .

“That’s why It is our duty to be relevant [their] the courage…of the women I meet around the world.”

Resolve obstacles

Deputy Secretary-General Mohammed further emphasized that there should be no “illusion” about current challenges, which include huge geopolitical divisions.

“As long as gender inequality, patriarchal social structures, systemic biases, violence and discrimination continue to hold back half of our society, peace cannot be achieved,” she said. will remain elusive.”

However, she emphasized that progress is possible, and called on everyone to build collective experience and take unified action.

“Together, we can have a greater impact than the sum of our individual efforts. By leveraging our political capital and respective roles, let us dismantle patriarchal power structures and promote gender equality.

In conflict zones, female peacekeepers play an important role in building trust with local people. In the photo, female peacekeepers from Nepal are joined by women and children from local communities in the Central African Republic..

In conflict zones, female peacekeepers play an important role in building trust with local people. In the photo, female peacekeepers from Nepal are joined by women and children from local communities in the Central African Republic..

Set a landmark agenda

The open debate was chaired by Viola Amherd, President of the Swiss Confederation, who chairs the Security Council in October. It not only coincides with UN Day 79 but also with the 24th anniversary of the Security Council next week. 1325 resolution.

The landmark resolution was unanimously adopted on 31 October 2000 and was the first official recognition of the gender dimension of the conflict. Its four pillars – engagement, protection, prevention, relief and recovery – emphasizes the essential role of women in conflict resolution and peacebuilding.

Since then, several subsequent resolutions and global processes have expanded the women, peace and security (WPS) agenda, including 1820 resolution recognized sexual violence as a weapon of war and called for more deployment of female peacekeepers.

Video broadcast of the Security Council’s open debate.


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