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Israel-Hamas War: Live Updates – The New York Times

Israelis expressed growing concern on Sunday that President Biden shaky debate performance could embolden the country’s Middle Eastern enemies at what many see as a pivotal moment for American leadership in the region.

Israeli commentators from across the political spectrum have warned that Iran and its proxies could try to exploit Biden’s apparent weakness as Israel battles Hamas in Gaza and weighs in. the prospect of a full-blown conflict with the Hezbollah militia in Lebanon.

US officials have been working to broker a diplomatic solution to tensions between Israel and Hezbollah in an effort to prevent a broader regional war that it fears could draw in Iran and the United States. The Biden administration is also engaged in intense efforts with other mediators to try to broker a ceasefire in Gaza, including an exchange of the remaining hostages there for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

President Biden departs for Red Bank, NJ, to attend a campaign reception on Saturday.Credit…Haiyun Jiang for the New York Times

And Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly pressured the Biden administration to Accelerated ammunition supply ahead of any conflict with Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Several Israeli Sunday newspapers reported the debate on their front pages with a kind of delayed reaction: The debate took place before dawn on Friday local time, after the newspapers had finished closing. week of release. And Hebrew daily newspapers are not published on Saturday, the Sabbath.

Analysts at Israel Hayom, a right-wing liberal newspaper, and the left-leaning Haaretz newspaper have sharply different views, but both raise concerns that Israel’s enemies and the United States are testing the administration’s resolve.

“Will Hezbollah and Iran judge that Biden is too busy to support Israel in case of an all-out war in Lebanon this summer?” Amos Harel, a military analyst for Haaretz, Written on Sunday.

While some Israeli right-wingers mocked Biden’s debate performance, hoping for a Trump victory, Harel continued, it was a display of ingratitude after the US president sided with Israel and provided it with large quantities of weapons. “Moreover,” he added, “Trump is a weak reed to lean on.”

During Thursday’s presidential debate, Mr Trump accused Mr Biden of not wanting Israel to “finish the job” in Gaza — calling him weak and drawing attention to his use of the word “Palestinian” as an insult. Mr. Biden gave little response.

Mr. Biden was a staunch supporter of Israel throughout the war, although he was also critical, frequently calling on Israel to limit civilian casualties and work to minimize the humanitarian crisis in this Palestinian land.

He has a long history with Mr Netanyahu. Mr Biden flew to Israel in a strong show of solidarity last fall, shortly after a Hamas-led terrorist attack on southern Israel led to the Gaza war. He has since paid a political price for his support, which has angered American opponents of the war who want the US government to stop supplying Israel with ammunition.

But the vision of Mr. Biden and Mr. Netanyahu has redirected in recent months. The US government has withheld a shipment of heavy bombs to Israel, fearing they would be used in densely populated areas. And Mr. Biden dismissed Mr. Netanyahu’s oft-stated goal of “complete victory” over Hamas as a vague goal that would mean indefinite war.

Mr Trump was a strong supporter of Israel as president and largely sympathetic to the agenda of Mr Netanyahu and his right-wing allies. During his tenure, Mr Trump moved the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, fulfilling a longstanding Israeli demand.

But the former president seems to have lost favor with Mr. Netanyahu. He has said that the attack led by Hamas was the result of Netanyahu’s lack of preparation and praised Hezbollah as “very smart”. In one interview Along with Israel Hayom in March, Mr. Trump advised Israel to end the war in Gaza, as it was losing much of the world’s support.

“You have to finish this,” he told the paper, “and we have to achieve peace — we can’t let this go on.”

Israel Hayom’s publisher is Dr. Miriam Adelson, widow of Sheldon Adelson, and a major pro-Israel donor. is currently supporting Donald Trump’s third bid for the White House.

Amnon Lord, a columnist for Israel Hayom, asserted on Sunday that Mr Biden’s performance in the debate proved persistent claims that “a cabal of radical progressive aides” is driving US foreign policy.

“In a world full of aggressive forces,” he Written“The unflattering image of an American president – ​​the leader of the free world – appearing weak and incoherent encouraged them to exploit opportunities.”

“Biden’s decline reflects the collapse of his Middle East policy toward Iran and its proxies,” Lord added.

Mr. Lord was cautious in commenting on Mr. Trump’s performance in the debate, only saying that he also “did not win many supporters”.

Yediot Ahronot, a mainstream Jewish daily, flagged a front-page column describing Mr. Biden’s performance as a “disaster.” Faced with the prospect of another Trump presidency, the Democratic Party and its allies have carried the fate of the free world on their shoulders, writes columnist Nadav Eyal.

“Weakness is not a trait that an American president can broadcast, in any way,” he said Written.

Gabby Sobelman And Myra Noveck Report contributions.


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