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ILO warns half the world lacks social protection amid climate crisis

Around 50 percent of us have access to at least some form of social protection – but 3.8 billion people have no safety net of any kind, including 1.8 billion children worldwide, according to World Social Protection Report 2024-26: Global social protection for climate action and a just transition.

“Climate change no bordersand we cannot build a wall to stop the crisis,” said Gilbert Houngbo, International Labor Organization General Manager. “The climate crisis affects us all and is the gravest threat to social justice today.“ .

Research shows that governments are failing to fully tap the powerful potential of social protection to combat the impacts of the climate crisis and support a just transition to a greener future.

Reflecting ‘deeply divided world’

For the first time, more than half of the global population (52.4 percent) has some form of social protection, up from 42.8 percent in 2015, the year Sustainable Development Goals (Sustainable Development Goals) have been adopted, according to the report.

But in the 20 most climate-vulnerable countries, 91.3 percent of people – or 364 million people – still have none. More broadly, in the 50 most climate-vulnerable countries, 75 percent of the population – or 2.1 billion people – are unprotected.

“The stark difference in social protection rights is a reflection of our deeply divided world”, said Mia Seppo, ILO Assistant Director-General. “The most urgent challenge is to protect those on the frontline of the climate crisis”.

Globally, most children (76.1%) still lack effective social protection and a significant gender gap persists, with effective protection for women being 50.1% lower than for men and 54.6% lower, respectively.

These gaps are particularly significant, given the potential role of social protection in mitigating the impacts of climate change, helping people and societies adapt to new climate-uncertain realities, and facilitating a just transition to a sustainable future.

The head of the ILO warned that many countries suffering the most devastating consequences of the crisis do not have the capacity to deal with the environmental and livelihood consequences.

“We have to realize that What happens to affected communities affects us all.“, he said.

How social protection helps

Social protection can help people adapt to and cope with climate-related shocks by providing social protections, such as income security and access to health care, as well as support for families, workers and businesses during the green transition.

It can also enable more sustainable economic activities, including supporting employees to train and upskill to work in green and low-carbon sectors.

“Social protection is essential to ensure that the ongoing low-carbon and green energy transition leaves no one behind,” said ILO Director Houngbo. “The demand for universal social protection is not only moral but also practical.

“By supporting and protecting workers everywhere, we can help ease transition anxiety, which is essential to mobilizing public support for a sustainable and just transition.”

Jonalyn Millana, a health supervisor in the ILO’s cash for work operation Building back a better coconut economy project with the Japanese government, explaining how social protection helps.

“When it comes to social security, like health insurance, we don’t know when a storm will hit,” she said. “I’m more protected now because if something happens, I have something to get covered like insurance like PhilHealth.” [health insurance]SSS [social security]. I feel safer because I have social security.”

The government must step in.

The new report finds that despite its role as a catalyst and driver of positive climate action, governments are still failing to fully tap the potential of social protection, largely due to persistent coverage gaps and significant underinvestment.

On average, countries spend 12.9 percent of their gross domestic product (GDP) on social protection, excluding health. However, While high-income countries spend an average of 16.2 percent, low-income countries allocate only 0.8 percent of their GDP to social protection..

Low-income countries, including those most vulnerable to climate change, need an additional $308.5 billion per year, or 52.3 percent of their GDP, to ensure at least basic coverage and will need international support to achieve this target.

‘Time to raise the stakes’

The ILO report calls for decisive and comprehensive policy action to close the protection gap, arguing that “the time has come to step up” and invest significantly in social protection.

Recommendations to help guide policy and ensure effective and sustainable outcomes include prepare for both “normal” life-cycle risks and climate-related shocks with social protection system and Using social protection to support climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts while ensuring public acceptance of such measures.

The report also recommends prioritizing investment in social protection, including external support for countries with limited fiscal space.

Read the full report This.


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