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Gaza: No alternative to UNRWA, Guterres declares

Speaking at an agency pledging conference, the UN chief outlined the myriad challenges facing Palestinians in Gaza, who “forced to move like human pinballs through a landscape of destruction and death”.

“Despair is the greatest ally of instability,” he said. warnedemphasized that through his work, “UNRWA is one of the most important factors bringing hope and stability across a troubled region.”

The agency has been support critical services including education, health and social services for some 5.9 million Palestinian refugees, including vulnerable groups such as women, children and people with disabilities.

It also manage 58 refugee campsaddressing the urgent humanitarian needs of more than 1.6 million people across Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The annual fundraising conference, held under the auspices of the General Assembly, serves as an important platform for raising funds for these activities.

This year is different

However, this year the conference was held under completely different circumstances.

Gaza has become a place of immense suffering amid daily military attacks in a conflict fueled by October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups in southern Israel. More than 1,200 Israelis were killed and more than 200 were taken hostage. Dozens of them remain in captivity, believed to be in Gaza.

In the Gaza Strip, more than 38,000 Palestinians are reported to have been killed, 88,000 others injured, and some 90 percent of the population displaced – multiple times.

Stress is also boiling in the West Bankand there are growing concerns about a spillover of war into Lebanon as the Israeli army engaged in daily gun battles with Hezbollah fighters.

With humanitarian needs across the region soaring, UNRWA is also facing a severe financial crisis, with many donors suspending funding after allegations Israel has alleged that some of its employees were involved in the October 7 attack.

In the absence of clear evidence, many donor countries have continued to contribute following UN response actions.

Of the 12 people implicated, the agency has terminated the contracts of 10, and two others have been confirmed dead. An investigation by the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) has also been launched. immediately launched and still going on.

Separately and in light of the allegations, the Secretary-General commissioned by former French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna will lead an independent review to assess UNRWA’s commitment to the principle of humanitarian neutrality.

She has submitted her application. Final report in April with important recommendations being implemented.

However, UNRWA still faces major gaps in matching resources to needs and needs $1.2 billion to cover critical humanitarian needs until the end of the year.

Secretary-General Guterres speaks at the pledging conference.

There is no alternative

Head of the United Nations warned that without further support and funding for UNRWA, Palestinian refugees “will lose a vital lifeline and the last glimmer of hope for a better future.”

My appeal to everyone is: Protect UNRWA, protect UNRWA staff and protect the UNRWA mandate. – including through funding. Let me be clear: there is no alternative to UNRWA,” he stressed.

Mr. Guterres once again stressed the need to end the ongoing war, starting with an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza and the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.

“Final, Only a political solution can end this conflict. – a vision of two states – Israel and Palestine – living side by side in peace and security, with Jerusalem as the capital of both states,” he said.

“I call on you to act now: act to spread hope where hope is lacking; act to uphold the mandate of this General Assembly to sustain UNRWA; act in solidarity with Palestine Refugees and all Palestinians,” the UN chief concluded.

Question of survival

General Assembly President Dennis Francis echoed the Secretary-General’s call for support, calling on donors to “turn words into reality” by ensuring the agency is fully funded.

He urge all stakeholders – UN member states as well as charities, the private sector and individuals who contribute to the agency.

“This is not just a matter of funding, nor is it just the existence of an agency. It tells the story of the human and survival of Palestinian refugees – especially children – across the Gaza Strip, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.“, he say.

Nearly 190 UNRWA facilities, many of them shelters for displaced people, were damaged or destroyed in the conflict. Pictured are the ruins of an UNRWA school.

Nearly 190 UNRWA facilities, many of them shelters for displaced people, were damaged or destroyed in the conflict. Pictured are the ruins of an UNRWA school.

Suffering Everywhere

UNRWA Director General Philippe Lazzarini emphasize great suffering of both Palestinians and Israelis. He once again condemned the October 7 attack and called for the immediate release of all hostages.

Gaza has been “devastated”, he said, with more than two million people living in miserable conditions.

Children and women are particularly affected, with many children killed or seriously injured. He highlighted a similar tragedy unfolding in the West Bank, with hundreds of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces and settlers.

Targeted for UNRWA protection

Mr. Lazzarini also stressed that despite providing stability and essential services for decades, UNRWA is struggling with continued attacks, with significant loss of life and damage to facilities.

He also condemned the mistreatment of UNRWA staff and the use of its facilities for military purposes by both Palestinian armed groups and Israeli forces.and criticized efforts to dissolve UNRWA, including social media attacks and legislative moves to designate it a terrorist organization.

“UNRWA is being targeted because of its role in protecting the rights of Palestinian refugees and because it represents an international commitment to a political solution,” he stressed.

He warned that if there was no response, other UN and international organizations would face similar attacks.

UNRWA is the backbone

The UNRWA Director-General reiterated that the agency “is the backbone” of the humanitarian response in Gaza and will remain critical in the transition from the ceasefire to “the next day”, providing essential services.

“If we maintain the status quo, this institution will collapse and millions of children, women and men will pay a heavy price,” he concluded.

A strong message of solidarity

At a press conference later in the day (► videos), Mr. Lazzarini emphasized “a powerful message of unity and support” The agency received at the conference the commitment.

“The day begins with commitment [expressed] “118 member states agreed at the conference,” he said, adding that the commitments announced by member states would maintain UNRWA’s core budget until the end of September.

The agency currently has enough resources to operate until the end of September.…what this essentially means is that over the next few months, I will be focused on making sure we close the financial gap between September and the end of December.”

He added that his concern remained with UNRWA. Urgent appeal for $1.2 billion for the ongoing crisis in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and its separate areas $416 million appeal for the regional crisis, “there is still a serious lack of capital”.

of UNRWA core program budget directly serves the more than 5.6 million Palestinian refugees for whom it is mandated to protect and assist. Under its mandate, the organization provides essential services in the areas of education, health, protection, relief and social services, microfinance, and refugee camp improvement.

The urgent appeal focuses on responding to the crisis with critical humanitarian and life-saving interventions.


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