Celine Dion is reportedly set to sing a heartbreaking classic with Lady Gaga at the Olympic opening ceremony

Since learning that Celine Dion live with rare neurological disorder rigid person syndromecauses uncontrollable muscle spasms and has affect her singing abilityThe world has been waiting for the iconic singer to perform live again. That day was supposed to be Friday, during the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games. According to French journalist Thierry MoreauDion will perform a duet of Édith Piaf’s “La Vie en Rose” with Lady Gaga.
Dion has been sharing photos of herself in Paris in recent days, Flowing on X (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday that “Every time I return to Paris, I am reminded that there is still so much beauty and joy to experience in the world. I love Paris and I am so happy to be back!”
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Gaga was also reportedly spotted rehearsing on a Floating piano on the Seinewhere the opening ceremony is scheduled to take place.
Dion has not performed in public for four yearsand often spoke about her frustration with her rare condition and her determination to return to the stage. The vocal cords are also a muscle and are severely affected by her condition. At the premiere of new documentary about her life, I am: Celine Dion, Dion said Vanity Fair She has put a lot of effort into her health, revealing that she undergoes therapy and treatment about five days a week and works hard not only for her career and fans but also for her family and herself.
“When life puts something on you, you have two choices: You deal with it, or you don’t,” she said. “I want to deal with it because I’m a mom. I have three amazing kids, and my biggest responsibility is to fight for them and tell them that mommy is sick, but mommy is okay. And that’s what keeps me positive. I have to take it in and tell myself that. There are tough moments. I have better days than better days. It’s not going to go away. I have to deal with this, and I am.”
“I will sing again,” she said at the event in June. “For sure.”
In the documentary, it is clear how difficult this journey was, in scenes where Dion is caught trying to sing a new song, then prolonged seizures Soon after, she was filmed singing along. Wyn Stark‘power ballad, “Who Am I.”
Her supposed return to the bittersweet classic “La Vie en Rose” is especially touching, as Dion began her singing career in her native French, a return to her roots for what may have been a long-awaited stage comeback.
Celine Dion’s representative did not immediately return a request for comment. Vanity Fairrequest for comment.