
Attacks on civilians in Burkina Faso force thousands to flee to neighboring Niger

In a warning, the UN refugee agency, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugeessaid previous attacks in recent weeks along Burkina Faso’s border with Niger had led to a “wave” of people fleeing into the city of Téra, in Niger’s Tillabéri region, despite the “already dire” humanitarian situation there.

In the context of the worrying security situation in Tillabéri, characterized by attacks from non-state armed groups, asylum seekers may face even more suspicion of having links to these groups. and are at risk of forced return if their refugee status is not recognized by the Government,” UNHCR said.

The incident comes after years of unrest in Burkina Faso, where more than a third of the country operates outside the control of the country’s military, which took power in 2022.

More broadly, the stability of the Sahel region has been threatened for years by the rise of armed groups. Starting in northern Mali, jihadist-linked rebels have moved south, bringing chaos to northern Burkina Faso and western Niger and threatening the stability of other neighboring countries.

Tillabéri Refuge

According to UNHCR, Tillabéri is currently home to at least 223,400 internally displaced people from Niger and at least 36,500 Burkina Faso asylum seekers.

The UN agency noted that in addition to the new arrivals from Burkina Faso, an additional 1,186 Nigerien citizens were also displaced in Tillabéri.

“In the last week of May and the first week of June 2024, non-state armed groups carried out attacks against civilians in the communes of Mansila, Kantcari and Sempelga in the Sahel Region of Burkina Faso,” UNHCR said in a declare.

“This surge in violence has forced 3,068 Burkina Faso refugees to flee to Téra in the Tillabéri region of Niger as of June 30…severely strain local resources and the resilience of host communities“ .

Persistent Insecurity

Citing the “highly volatile” security situation along the Niger-Burkina Faso border, the UN agency noted that ongoing attacks and clashes between state and non-state actors “not only displace many people but also complicate humanitarian access and protection efforts.”

As part of the relief effort, UNHCR worked with local authorities and partners to pre-register 470 households (3,068 individuals) for asylum and provided cash assistance to meet immediate needs.

The UN agency said more than 400 vulnerable individuals have also been identified for rapid assistance, including 207 women who are heads of households, pregnant and lactating women, and children with mental health problems or malnutrition.

UNHCR said plans were also underway to support 600 households with emergency shelters and toilets, but “there is also an immediate need for food, nutrition kits, emergency shelters”, adding that Nutrition support remains a “critical priority, particularly for malnourished children”.


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