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Time is running out as the 2030 deadline approaches for the UN’s blueprint for a more equitable future.

2024 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HONG PHAT) will follow from September last year SDG Summitdescribed by the UN Secretary-General at the time as “a moment of solidarity” to transform Sustainable development goals (Sustainable Development Goals) into reality.

Government ministers, activists and members of civil society will meet and debate in a busy programme at UN Headquarters, much of which will be broadcast live on United Nations Web TV.

On the eve of the HLPF, here are five important things to know about this momentous event.

1. It’s about realizing the Global Goals

HLPF was born after its establishment. Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015.

That agenda, agreed and adopted by UN member states, is often described as a blueprint for a better future, for people and the planet. It is divided into 17 Goalson key areas such as poverty reduction, education, gender equality and the environment.

The 2023 SDG Summit marks the midpoint of the Goals and highlights the fact that most of the Goals are off track. At this year’s Forum, delegates will seek to inject new enthusiasm and accelerate action towards the Goals.

Mrs. Jeanette (66 years old) and her grandchildren are preparing cassava for dinner.

Mrs. Jeanette (66 years old) and her grandchildren are preparing cassava for dinner.

2. Focus on five goals

The Goals under review this year are Goal 1 (End Poverty), Goal 2 (Zero Hunger), Goal 13 (Climate Action), Goal 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) and Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

Discussions will revolve around some of this year’s key themes. SDG Progress Reporta comprehensive inventory that, according to the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterresshows that “the world is undervalued”.

The takeaways include the fact that, by 2022, 700 million people were living on less than $2.15 a day and 783 million faced hunger; the past nine years were the warmest on record; and access to justice remains out of reach for much of the country.

Each Goal is broken down into targets, some of which are being met (child mortality has fallen, for example), but they represent less than a fifth of the total. About a third have stalled or are even regressing.

Girls study at a school in Mazar-i-Sharīf, Balkh province, Afghanistan.

Girls study at a school in Mazar-i-Sharīf, Balkh province, Afghanistan.

3. Countries will share their success stories

But the UN wants to demonstrate that there is still hope, pointing to recent strides in renewable energy deployment, girls in most regions achieving equality and even outperforming boys in school, as well as progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Several countries will share examples of best practice and lessons learned, reporting back on the results of their Voluntary National Reviews. You can find a full list of countries presenting their reviews here. This.

“Humanity has proven time and again that when we work together and apply collective thinking, we can find solutions to seemingly intractable problems,” said UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Lee Jun-hua.

A delegate attends the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on the floor of the General Assembly hall.

A delegate attends the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on the floor of the General Assembly hall.

4. Not just member states: the voices of others will be heard too

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development impacts all sectors of society, not just governments, and this is reflected in the Forum. There will be a number of special events and side events taking place over the two weeks, with groups representing a range of special interests, including women, children and youth, NGOs, indigenous peoples, farmers and local governments.

The first week will see events dedicated to science-based action on the SDGs, mobilizing local and regional governments and transforming education. The second week will focus on food and nutrition security, water and climate action.

You can find the full program This.

Young people line up along a screen at the United Nations headquarters in New York representing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Young people line up along a screen at the United Nations headquarters in New York representing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

5. Next stop: Summit of the Future

The forum will help build momentum for Summit of the Future will take place on 22-23 September. As the focus of the General Assembly’s High-Level Week, the Summit is seen as an opportunity to revitalize the multilateral system and get the world back on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Financial progress will be a key factor at both events and discussions taking place at the July forum will contribute to the statements and documents that will be released at the Future Summit.

These include the Compact for the Future, which identifies priorities and actions to address global challenges; the Declaration on Future generationswhich will include concrete steps to meet the interests of future generations; and the Global Digital Compact, which is expected to chart the path towards an open, free, secure and human-centered digital future for all.


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