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Madagascar: Collaboration, convergence and radical change

Those are the questions UN agency on the ground in Madagascar is being seen as an island nation struggling against climate change, enormous humanitarian needs and persistent underdevelopment.

of UNICEF Deputy Representative, Program Head Gilles Chevalier and Natasha van Rijn, Program Resident Representative United Nations Development Program discuss how changes in the way they are working are helping to strengthen resilience and sustainability.

Gilles Chevalier: One of the important decisions we made at UNICEF is to consolidate our staff presence in the south of Madagascar, which has been affected by drought due to climate change and the El Nino effect. People in this part of the country are very vulnerable; Many people are malnourished and do not have access to basic services, so there are many humanitarian needs.

UNICEF Deputy Representative, Program Head Gilles Chevalier (left) and UNDP Resident Representative Natasha van Rijn (right) participate in a discussion on sustainable development in Madagascar.

UNICEF Deputy Representative, Program Head Gilles Chevalier (left) and UNDP Resident Representative Natasha van Rijn (right) participate in a discussion on sustainable development in Madagascar.

There are several United Nations humanitarian agencies converging to contribute to the relief effort in the Grand Sud region. Systematically, these actors are also seeking to prevent and mitigate the devastating impacts of climate change in the South.

Natasha van Rijn: For example, development indicators in the south in health, education, nutrition, infrastructure, energy supply are all weaker than in other parts of the island and that is the focus of planning. planning and conversations need to take place. as well as the ongoing humanitarian response.

The UN is involved in both humanitarian and development work. One way to identify the difference is to view humanitarian work as addressing the symptoms of illness in an emergency situation while progressing toward health and well-being by addressing underlying structural problems which could ultimately lead to a humanitarian crisis.

Gilles Chevalier: As best as possible, we are trying to avoid carrying out small-scale interventions in many different locations. Instead, we are looking at what additional possibilities exist between the intervention of the United Nations system and its partners. We chose what we call “convergence zones” based on multidimensional vulnerabilities that can be identified in different counties. In this way, the UN system can truly build long-term coordinated intervention.

Natasha van Rijn: Investing more in one geographic area has created an environment in which others can take advantage of the investments being made.

A pregnant woman is monitored at a United Nations-supported mobile clinic in southern Madagascar

A pregnant woman is monitored at a United Nations-supported mobile clinic in southern Madagascar

In these areas of convergence, and more generally as a rule, it is really important to emphasize that development and humanitarian actors cooperate with each other. We offer different skill sets depending on the problem; whether it is long-standing experience with national partners or how to respond quickly in an emerging crisis.

Of course, it is important to acknowledge the role of national partners, governments, the private sector, civil society or communities as they are at the core of humanitarian and development work.

Gilles Chevalier: We have seen a very clear change in our partners’ approaches to programs in the convergence zone. A large number of them are not only concerned with the survival of their populations but are increasingly focused on building resilience. We are pleased to see financial partners injecting increasingly larger amounts of money with a longer-term view, recognizing the importance of creating sustainable impact. This can only happen if systems are strengthened locally and solutions are adapted to the context.

In Madagascar, UN agencies are prioritizing support in 'convergence areas'.

In Madagascar, UN agencies are prioritizing support in ‘convergence areas’.

Natasha van Rijn: We call this a humanitarian and developmental relationship. This nexus is about aligning efforts to address risks, prevent development losses and build resilience amid crises. Peace is the third aspect of the relationship with development and meeting humanitarian needs. None of this can be achieved without each other.

There is a good example of this with the United Nations intervention Peacebuilding Fund in Betroka, Anosy region of Madagascar’s Grand Sud, an unsafe area due to the sound of rustling cows. The Foundation’s work there has contributed to stabilizing local situations and enabled humanitarian agencies to deliver aid more safely and helped development actors begin discussions with local authorities on a range of issues. Topics include local governance, policy and promoting economic activity.

Gilles Chevalier: It is important that Madagascar remains the center of attention not only for government partners but also for donors. Globally, Madagascar has long been a low priority but is now recognized as one of the countries most affected by climate change worldwide. In this sense, Madagascar has firmly placed itself on the map in recent years.

Natasha van Rijn: If we allow ourselves to consider the situation in Madagascar with all the complexity it deserves, we have the opportunity to address needs in all their complex multi-sectoral dimensions. Unfortunately, typical funding mechanisms are not necessarily always aligned with that as they target humanitarian, development or peacebuilding interventions.

This is why the coordinating role of the United Nations, especially of Resident coordination officeis as important as applying joint approaches on the ground because it brings all partners together to discuss the most effective ways to contribute to long-term stability and prosperity of Madagascar.

See more content about Madagascar in French


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