
6 foods that will help you relieve heartburn

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Humanity has a long history of eating foods that may not be best for us — and documenting it. Historians can diagnose heartburn symptoms dating back to 3000 BC in Ancient Mesopotamia. The first recorded use of the term “heartburn” appears in 1591, although it is spelled “hartburning” and is referred to only as a sensation. It was officially described by Dr. John Wesley as “a sharp, stabbing pain in the opening of the stomach” in 1747 – which eventually connected the pain to the right place on the body.

Today, 60 million Americans face frequent heartburn that can be identified by that statement. This is because the muscle that connects your esophagus to your stomach is weak or not working properly – it doesn’t close properly and allows acid to back up your throat from your stomach. We feel that, yes, a sharp pain, but also a burning sensation behind our sternum.

Fortunately, with some dietary changes, you can easily ease the symptoms and occurrence of heartburn.

Top foods to eat to relieve heartburn

Heartburn is usually caused by eating sour, spicy, fried, or high-sugar foods. But you can combat symptoms by incorporating these six healthy foods into your daily diet.

1. Green

It is important that you eat foods that are full of nutrients if you want to fight heartburn, and green vegetables are one of them.[1] They are rich in fiber along with iron, zinc, magnesium, vitamin C and more. Choose dark green varieties for the best nutritional boost, like kale and spinach.

2. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are a notorious contributor to heartburn. Since they’re already acidic, eating them will only increase the amount of acid in your body—which, if you have heartburn, is something you definitely want to avoid. Instead of things like oranges, grapefruits, and cranberries, choose bananas, figs, and melons.

3. Kombucha

Kombucha is a naturally carbonated fermented tea and is packed full of nutrients you need to stop heartburn. It has some acids in it, but they’re beneficial — and they’re combined with probiotics, good bacteria, and enzymes that help balance your digestive system’s microbiome. Kombucha is often used as a medicine to prevent ulcers as well as heartburn.

4. Ginger

Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory and helps relieve nausea. It has been used to treat stomach ailments for centuries, and thanks to the phenolic compounds it contains, it calms the spasms in your stomach system. That means the acid won’t have much of a chance to get out of your intestines.

5. fennel

Cumin is naturally low in acid, so it won’t cause any acid reflux. Throughout history, people have eaten it and chewed the seeds to aid digestion. It naturally raises the pH levels in saliva, which not only neutralizes acids but also helps prevent tooth decay.[2]

6. Celery

Celery is a source of energy for your digestive system. It’s packed with fiber, low in calories, stimulates saliva production, and even freshens your breath when you chew.[3] Fiber helps keep things moving in your body in a healthy and efficient way, controlling heartburn and other digestive issues.

Points to remember

About 60 million Americans struggle with occasional heartburn. It’s caused by a malfunctioning or weak muscle at the base of your esophagus that allows acid to seep up your throat from your stomach.

Acidic, spicy, fried, or sugary foods can trigger heartburn, but you can combat the symptoms and causes with a healthy diet. Try adding foods like green leafy vegetables and kombucha to get the right nutrients; celery for a fiber boost; citrus fruits and dill to balance the acidity levels in your body; and ginger to control stomach cramps. If heartburn persists, try our Acid Reflux Method. It’s an organic, herbal formula that helps soothe occasional heartburn, indigestion and digestive irritation!

References (3)
  1. Fight heartburn and GERD: Diet and lifestyle can make a difference. Tufts University Letters on Health & Nutrition. Last updated September 29, 2019. Accessed June 8, 2021.

  2. 5 nuts that support healthy digestion. American College of Health Care Sciences. Published July 17, 2018. Accessed June 8, 2021.

  3. 3 ways to improve gut health with whole foods. Bastyr University. Published January 28, 2021. Accessed June 8, 2021.

†Results may vary. The information and statements are provided for educational purposes only and are not intended to replace medical advice. If you have a serious health condition or health concerns, see your doctor.

This entry was posted in Digestive issues, Food, Gut and digestive health, Health, Healthy food, Nutrition, Whole body health