
Trump Claims Women Understand JD Vance’s ‘Unwed Cat Moms’ Quote and Aren’t Offended by It

Donald Trump tried to control the damage JD Vancebelong to “cat without children” commented on Monday, saying that—rather than being outraged by her companion’s claim that childless women are miserable people who want everyone else to be miserable—the women “got” what Vance meant and appreciated the sentiment.

Talk to Fox News host Laura Ingraham, trumpet explain that Vance “feels family is good,” that “there’s nothing wrong with saying that,” and that women who don’t have children “understand” that.

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As part of his contractual obligations, Trump later claimed that Democrats had distorted Vance’s original comments, saying, “Democrats are good at spinning things in a way that is different from what they actually are.” Of course, that’s completely untrue. To be clear, in 2021, the then-Senate candidate said Tucker Carlson Original, “We are really run in this country…by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable with their own lives and the choices they have made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too. And that’s just a basic truth: You look at Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, AOC—the entire future of the Democratic Party is controlled by people who don’t have children. And how can it be reasonable for us to give our country to people who don’t actually have a direct interest in it?”

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Meanwhile, the idea that those offended by Vance understood what he said and might even agree with it is pretty laughable, since his statements sparked massive outrage that dominated the news cycle for more than a week, with at least one major Hollywood star put him to taskAnd it wasn’t just “childless cat ladies” who were angered by Vance. On Monday, Buttigieg criticized the Ohio senator’s statement that, as Buttigieg put it, “people who don’t have children have no real commitment to the future of this country,” with the transportation secretary saying Jon Stewart: “When I deployed to Afghanistan, I didn’t have any kids, but I’ll tell you what… my commitment to this country was very real.”


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